Sunday, November 8, 2009

Looking Back 2009

Looking Back 2008

Looking Back 2007

Looking Back 2006

Looking Back 2005

I thought I would try to get caught up on my favorite Connor pics so here are some oldies but goodies.

The 11th Commandment

Connor started helping to feed the dogs today. He thinks he is pretty cool since he is 4 and can do "everything by myself". So after he fed BB I told him to go "spy" on BB to see if he was eating the food. He informed me, "Mom, God says you are not supposed to spy on dogs!".

"I want to whack his face....."

Don't you love attention getting headlines?

We were at the park today having a picnic and there were bees all around. I told Connor to just leave them alone and they wouldn't bother us. Well, one landed on his forearm and I don't really know if he rubbed it or I did but he was suddenly screaming and I saw a squished bee. Anyway, he was so upset and through his screaming cries he said he wanted to just "throw it" and "whack his face". When I told him I was pretty sure it was dead he said, "so then it's in heaven?". We got home and a popsicle, ice, and Benedryl made it all better. He still is concerned that the bee is in heaven though.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Big Brother Training

I took Connor to a big brother class at the hospital and it turned out to be quite lame since none of the other kids showed up. Anyway, there were some humorous moments. He enjoyed seeing the babies in the nursery but had no interest in holding the doll, diapering the doll, etc. He did pretend to feed it for a second but then proceeded to stick his fingers in its eyes and throw it into the air. The poor lady was asking him questions about which toys were too small for a baby, how he should be gentle with the baby, etc. and he interrupts her and says, "Hey, look what I can do!" and proceeds to do a somersault across the room. Oh well, we tried.

Well I wish I would have started this blog 4 years ago but I guess better late than never. Everyone says kid #2 gets less photos, the baby book's not always complete, etc. Well, Connor got all that so I guess she'll get a blog from day one. Now I just have to keep up with it!

We had a nice Halloween. I hate even saying "we did Halloween" since I stay with the harvest theme but, of course, when you have kids you have to deal with the whole to trick or treat issue. We took pictures with Clint & Tammy and then Connor, Cael, and Carter got to go out together. So, for right now we go to a few houses and it's all about the candy.