Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Charlotte's First Timeout

Charlotte had her first timeout. I can't quite remember what it was for--either throwing a toy or something like that. Anyway, she gets her feelings hurt so easily. I think she was more upset by Daddy being stern with her than actually having to sit there.

Charlotte and Addy playing.

Still in the shoe phase.

This one was funny. Addy was trying to wipe Charlotte's birthmark off her leg. She kept saying, "Charlotte dirty".

The Crew. We had quite a full house for about 10 days while Kevin and Tracy looked for a house.

Connor has been starting to pick out his own clothes. This was the outfit he came up with. Yikes!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tracy's House

So, my original next door neighbors from The Colony just bought a house in our neighborhood. They are moving back to Dallas from the Atlanta area. We are so excited! They will be about 3 streets over and the boys (and girls) will all be in school together.

My mom wanted to see pics so these are mainly for her. However, it's a beautiful house so enjoy!

Tomorrow I'll post pics of the kids for all the family since I know that's what you really want to see!! :)