Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1st Day of 2nd Grade

Connor did great his 1st day he didn't cry or run out of the room and this morning he said, "mom, you liked school right?".  I said yes I always had liked it (I didn't tell him I also always cried my first day). He said," I like school too. I am excited to go". Come rely different t from the last two years when I had to force him the first few days. 

His teacher is Ms. Decker. She has a lot of experience (21 years), twin 3rd grade boys, and seems just the right balance of kind and firm. 

Charlotte and Mommy had "girl day" after we dropped him off. We met my friend Erin and her daughter Rylie at the mall and ate and played. At the end we treated the girls (and ourselves unfortunately to fancy cupcakes). 

We have future plans for pedicures!

Friday, August 23, 2013

She's Gonna Be High Maintenance

So besides the fact that she cries when a speck of dirt is on her and don't even mention a bug, she is now freaking out about the red spot on her face. She asked me "Mom, what is it?!?  When will it go away?!"  I told her just a bug bite but still today she is all upset about it. 

I dread her first pimple. 

How did this child come from her love of the great outdoors camping mother?