Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Couples Counseling

How many people does it take to re-light a water heater?  At our house apparently 2. 

So, I guess our water heater (1 of 2) pilot blew out a few weeks ago?  I have noticed our water not being very warm. I finally got up the guts to go investigate. I lost my nerve when the instructions start with "If you smell gas, STOP, call 911!"  I just knew I was going to blow up the house. 

Since not showering for several days was not kind to others I decided to go to Plan B: sacrifice my husband. 

He acted like this was no big deal with stories of how he had to light his all the time as a kid (and with an actual lighter no less.  Who gives a kid a lighter and says "now, if you smell gas...."?.). Anyway, so I wait downstairs for the explosion and nothing.  He can't get it to light either! 

So, I have no choice but to go up there. We read the instructions repeatedly, discussed how much it would cost to have someone else do this, and after 4 tries it finally lit!  It sounded like a blow torch. Our victory was bittersweet since I knew the explosion would now happen in the middle of the night while we were all sleeping. 

But, thanks to the grace of God, we made it and I am about to take my first non-lukewarm shower in weeks. 

Now that's some couples counseling. Go team!