Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blogging for Super Grandma and Grandpa

I have decided to try to commit to my blog again. I am not happy with my current rate of several times a year posting. 

So to try to motivate myself to keep at it I am dedicating my new attempt to Super Grandma and Grandpa. That's what we call great grandparents (my grandparents). I'm not sure where that name came from. That's just always what we've said. I remember once a friend asked me "can they fly?".  So, since I am bad at keeping in touch through phone calls and I don't do Facebook here we go....

We'll start with some funny things Charlotte has been saying lately. I wrote them down on sticky notes, and thank goodness, because I wouldn't remember them all. 

• "My dad could invent a time machine and he invented pickles." (Interesting)

• "Can I sleep with my eyes open?" (I reply "Yes, but if you get out of bed then you with have to sleep with them closed".  Works every time.)

• "When I have a fever or cough or am just really dramatic the best thing to do is eat cinnamon bread."

• "Presents are beautiful things." (This was just a random thought she shared while we were watching tv). 

• (I had just asked her what she wanted for lunch). "I don't know but don't say "same old, same old" cuz I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!"

• "Why did the bananas cross the road? Because they were hungry!!  Wait, did I say chickens or bananas??" (Apparently she has very short term memory). 

• "College is where you go to get a new husband". 

• "The reason I want you to be the mom is because you are much bigger than me". (Hmmm, was this even up for discussion?). 

• And last but definitely not least ......

  "Real dinosaurs existed back in....ummm....I'd say the 80's." (Really?  The 80's). "Yes, I'm totally serious!!"