Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sweet 6!

Charlotte turned 6 and we celebrated with lunch at the American Girl Cafe!  She got her present ahead of time so she could take her new doll to lunch.

She and Rylie (and the moms of course) ate a very girlie lunch and then they decorated cookies and shopped for their American Girl dolls.

So Girlie!
Sweet Princesses!
So fun to be there with the Christmas decorations up

Decorating Cupcakes

And we topped it off with a party at home :)

Tea for Two

Happy Birthday Charlotte!

Fall Festival and Halloween 2015

So for Fall Festival I was Where's Waldo (although legally I am supposed to say I am "Where's a Stonebriar Staff Member?").  Connor was a Ninja of some sort, Charlotte was Jasmine (Do NOT try to spray paint your blonde daughters hair black.  It will be on everything and everyone she touches!), and Aaron was a dad.

Honestly she looked like death warmed over with dark hair.

Then for neighborhood Halloween Charlotte had to have a costume change and was an Egyptian queen.

And last but of course not least, the annual Cromwell Kids pic!

And, I almost forgot, how could I leave out Joe and those boots!