Sunday, June 27, 2010

Latest Favorite Pics

Crashed out with Dad.

I am such a cool mom! I let my kids play with eggs! Connor doing various "look how I can balance it" tricks.

How cool am I? So cool I let my kids play with eggs that I now have to clean up! Wow, what a great idea.

Future cheerleader? How can that be comfortable?

And, of course, the classic "oh, how cute are they when they have their clothes on their head" photos.

Sorry this one's so small. It's from my phone.

Oh, The Things Connor Comes Up With!

Some funny things Connor has said lately:

  • Hey Mom, I can spell t-o-y, j-e-s-u-s, c-o-n-n-o-r, ....Hey, how do you spell staples?

  • Mom, can I have some Rice Krispies...You know the ones with Crap, Snap, and Pop on the front.

  • (A friend of his was in trouble and the Mom told Connor she was in "hot water".) Mom, do you know Emma can't come because she turned on the hot water in the tub? She didn't listen to her mom and was playing and made the water super hot!

  • Mom! Don't forget the express card! (LAST summer we went to Hawaiian Falls and I brought the wrong credit card and we waited in line for 30 minutes and then realized we had to go home.)

  • Aaron and I were discussing some crazy guy who went to Afghanistan and tried to find Bin Laden. I guess Connor was listening because he said, "I can find him and I'll kick a ball at him!".

Attention, all Afghans. Could you please send Osama Bin Laden out from his cave. My son wants to kick a ball at him.

  • When I am a grandpa I'm going to be Charlotte's dad. Huh????

  • Did you know "Yes, maam" is Ang-lish for "Yes"?

  • Megatronic energy comes from from the sun. You know, like when a mom takes care of her son. Huh????

And, finally, thank goodness for tivo and fast forwarding b/c marketing to kids works:

  • Mom, did you know Danonino (kids yogurt) makes kids grow better? It's better than dinner.

  • Mom, Bandaids are better than the store brand.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Charlotte's 6 Month Photos

(Sorry about the formatting on this post--I was trying a new setting and it didn't work. The perfectionist in me will fix later since I have to go build a lego fire station, fire truck, and castle. See you in about 3 years. )

More pics of Charlotte......

Connor trying to make her laugh.

Twins separated at birth?

You can see how we used to eat before we got Charlotte a new high chair. We were trying to make due with the one that Connor used but you can see how huge it is (the tray came up to her face!). That didn't work so we would just put her on the table. Finally, we gave in and got one. Now, Connor is borrowing the old one to "play" with for a while until mom sells it (or maybe someone wants to be the baby again--hmmm).

I was trying to find pictures to show how similar they look at the same age???

Aaron showing Connor how to change a battery. (Not that a 4 year old should be doing that! :)

Charlotte learning to sit.