Monday, August 22, 2011

Twas the Night Before Kindergarten.....

Well, it's done. But, before I tell you how Connor's first day went let me back up.

Last Friday, we went to a date night at our church. They provided free babysitting so we went to drop off the kids in their classes. That's when the lady said the awful words....."Oh, 6 year olds need to go to the other building." What!!! No, not change!!!!! Connor got really scared and started with his usual rendition of "No, I'm NOT going!!!"

We got over to the other building and he started getting all teary when we tried to leave him in the room. The children's preschool director tried to use reverse psychology and said, "Connor, you can stay here and have fun with the big kids or we can take you back to the preschool building." Well, you can guess what he choose. I knew Monday was not going to be good.

Sunday night we got his school clothes ready and made his lunch and I could tell he was nervous.

We put him to bed at 8:00 like good parents and then it began......

Tromp, tromp, tromp down the stairs comes Connor.

"Mom, I need fresh water (yes, his water must always be "fresh"). I JUST noticed that I don't have any."

Fine. I sent him back up with FRESH water.

Tromp, Tromp...."Mom, I'm not tired."

And it continued.........

"I want to watch football."

"I want my flashlight."

"Can I see my new shoes?"

"Can I sleep with you? You bed is more comfy than mine."

By this time it was 10:00 so in the best interest of Connor sleeping I let him come in bed with me.

BUT!!! In the dark it continued......

"Mom, what's 2+4?"

"Mom, I think I broke my fingernail."

"I just have too much energy."

"Hey, you know that movie.......blah, blah, blah."


He finally fell asleep about 11:00.

Of course, HE finally got sleep. I didn't since he slept sideways. I straightened him out around 3:00. Then the dog wanted to go out. When I got back to bed he was curled up on my side. No big deal, I can sleep on Aaron's side (He had volunteered to sleep in Connor's bed). As soon as I got in bed he flung his legs and arms over me. Good grief, how close do you need to be??

This morning when he woke up he didn't want to get out of bed. He knows how to play me and said, "Mom, can't we just cuddle?". If the room was lighter you probably could have seen him batting his eyelashes.

Finally, he got up but didn't even want breakfast. Poor kid.

When it was time to leave we told him his friend Drew, who was also going into Kindergarten, would be waiting for him on the path. As we walked, more and more kids and their parents showed up on the pathway. Before long it was one long trail of kids. I think he thought it was pretty exciting.

We met up with Drew and he said, "Hey Drew! We're Kindergarteners! We are going to have fun but the older kids are more serious!" What?!? Is this the same kid who wouldn't fall asleep or eat breakfast?

We made it to the classroom and he went right in and sat down and started working! Unbelievable. I don't think he would have even said bye to us if I hadn't said it first!

All the kids names outside Mrs. Hall's classroom.....

Connor and Drew getting ready to go into class......

I think I look a little too excited in this picture!

Already hard at work! He was drawing a rainbow which I thought was nice until I looked over and the girl next to him had just finished drawing a rainbow. So much for creativity.

The classroom and Mrs. Hall in the black shirt.

Us out in the hallway. No tears here!

Charlotte and Addy learning the ropes.

The only blip on the radar was that he said he started crying when they were told they were going to art class. Aside from the fact that any craft is punishment to Connor, the art teacher wanted them to draw a picture of their family. But, she said the people should have clothes on. He said he cried because "I don't know how to draw clothes!" So she said he could just sit at the table or walk around the room with her so of course he followed her around the entire class!

He also told me that the teacher told them not to touch the bar under the lunch table because if you did it might fold up the table on you and could be very dangerous. He thought that was fascinating.

He also kept saying something about "I made it one hour". He finally explained that the teacher told them when they had one hour left and he "was soooooo excited for one hour because I knew you guys would be picking me up!"

Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Summer Vacation

For our summer "vacation" we met my brother and his family at Six Flags. Connor had never been to an amusement park before and was REALLY excited. He rode the swings that raise up and fly around in a circle and a kiddie roller coaster which he did not like.

It was super hot, needless to say, since we have had about 60 days over 100 now. I think it really was 108-110 that day and I thought, "Why are we here?". Once we were acclimated (accepted the fact that we were going to drip sweat all day) we had a great time!

This one is hard to see but Connor and Aaron are in the middle of the roller coaster. I think if you click on the picture it will get bigger.

I just love these pictures of Charlotte.

In other news......

Connor is still in his infomercial stage. He likes to watch all the commercials and then report back to me on what the best products are. Here are a few of his samplings:

  • "Mom, you need to get this stuff that sprays on blue and then dries clear so when you know when to clean".
  • "Mom, Oxyclean saves your clothes AND your money so y0u don't have to waste money."
  • "If I get the supersoaker watergun, I can get another one for free!" I guess he hasn't heard of the shipping and handling trick.

The rest of the summer has just been spent playing with friends, trying to survive the heat, and being lazy.


She has really started talking. She puts 3 word sentences together and just last night said, "I wuv you" as I was putting her to bed. Some other fun things she says/said:

  • She hit me then said, "I Sowwy, Mama. I hit." Not something to brag about but, hey, it's a sentence.
  • When I tell her that she cannot have something she says, "Awwwww."
  • "No-eeee"= More
  • "Glub It!"=Put on my purple latex gloves. Yes, she loves medical gloves. I guess she has seen the church ladies changing the babies and wants to wear some too. She always comes home from Sunday School wearing one.
  • "What doooo-ing, Mama?"
  • "Cooley"=Kool Aid
  • "Conyah"= Connor
  • And...she has finally started saying her own name.

Other Highlights......

Charlotte and Addy are having a lot of fun getting to know each other more and seem to be working out the kinks....not so much biting and pushing :)

Damn, these kids, and their pants hanging down showing their underwear. Bunch of hoodlums!!!!

Getting ready to go out for date night. Sorry Aaron wasn't home from work yet but if 3 out of the 4 of us look decent we're taking a picture.

I swear, you go out and leave your kids with the grandparents and they end up naked in the backyard!

Over here Grampa!

Whoaaaaaa....slow down!