Saturday, October 11, 2014

Connors Yellow Belt!!

Connor started taking Tae Kwon Do classes in August at Tiger Rock Academy. He loves it and so do I!!  Indoors (a big plus in Texas) plus wifi. What more could I want?  Honestly, I've been really impressed with their focus on discipline, integrity, hard work, and good behavior. Several times I've put my good money to use and said, "Now Connor, what would Master Dallas think of that choice?". Aha!  Take that!

So, after a few months of training he tested for his yellow belt last Saturday.  (Sorry video quality is poor and there is a girl standing in the way.  If you double click then the video will be bigger but the quality poorer.  Pick your poison.).

Again, video quality is poor but watch when he gives the instructor a fist bump at the end.  Pretty funny.

And the Belt Ceremony...........................

And for an added bonus, watch Connor break his first board...................

We also did a Board Break-A-Thon to support Frisco Family Services.  Connor raised money to break 3 boards...........................

This is Master Dallas, the owner...............

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Aaron and Connor's Baptism

On August 10, 2014 both Aaron and Connor were baptized!

Aaron had been baptized before but joked that "it was done on a Tuesday night at the 11th hour with no one but the pastor and myself there".  So, we realized that if the actual act of baptism doesn't save you but is just a way to "tell the story of a decision you have already made", as our pastor described it, well, he hadn't really told anyone!

Aaron went first and was baptized by Pastor Dave Carl who leads his men's group and has been a great mentor to Aaron.  Then Connor came down into the baptismal and was baptized by Aaron.  It was Awesome.  Charlotte and I got to speak a "blessing" to Connor before he went under.

Dear Connor,
We are so proud of you today.  You are publicly showing others what we know you have believed in your heart for a long time, that Jesus is the Son of God and your Savior.  As He was baptized you are following His instruction and doing the same.  It is so comforting as parents to know that wherever life takes you you have already made the most important decision of your life. 
We love the wonderful, smart, and silly son that you are..
P.S.  Because I am your mother I have to give you some practical advice....Don't forget to hold your nose.  

Connor's best friend Alex (and my best friend's son) was also baptized and we topped it all off with a party at our house afterwards.  All of our closest friends were there so it really meant a lot to me.

I am so proud of both of them.  Connor is so pure and excited about his faith.  He's at the stage where he doesn't question anything and can't understand why anyone WOULDN'T believe in Jesus as God's Son.

Aaron has changed in so many ways and this was such a great testament to both of our kids.  He has become a true example of a great father and husband.

And now for the pics!