Saturday, October 11, 2014

Connors Yellow Belt!!

Connor started taking Tae Kwon Do classes in August at Tiger Rock Academy. He loves it and so do I!!  Indoors (a big plus in Texas) plus wifi. What more could I want?  Honestly, I've been really impressed with their focus on discipline, integrity, hard work, and good behavior. Several times I've put my good money to use and said, "Now Connor, what would Master Dallas think of that choice?". Aha!  Take that!

So, after a few months of training he tested for his yellow belt last Saturday.  (Sorry video quality is poor and there is a girl standing in the way.  If you double click then the video will be bigger but the quality poorer.  Pick your poison.).

Again, video quality is poor but watch when he gives the instructor a fist bump at the end.  Pretty funny.

And the Belt Ceremony...........................

And for an added bonus, watch Connor break his first board...................

We also did a Board Break-A-Thon to support Frisco Family Services.  Connor raised money to break 3 boards...........................

This is Master Dallas, the owner...............

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