Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 Kids in a Car for 9 Hours Each Way

Yes, that's right folks. My brother and I went to South Texas to visit our parents and took all the grandkids with us (Aaron was working and Rebekah was in Israel). Plus, Connor, Charlotte and I drove 3 hours the previous day just to get to Abilene. Despite the extreme wind they always seem to have down there we had a great time. Our course it was a little stressful too--try having 9 people in a 40' RV for 4 days. My bro and I actually stayed in an onsite hotel with the two babies but the 3 older kids slept in the RV with Gramma and Grampa.

We went to the beach one day, had a "birthday party" for everyone another day (complete with a pinata, confetti filled eggs, water balloons, and cupcakes. The kids swam a lot, fed horses, and enjoyed each other's company (when they weren't arguing!).

I asked if they were building a sandcastle and they said "No, a chair". It's so obvious. Not sure why I didn't see it on my own.

The twins--need I say more.

Charlotte in her beach attire.

Oh, Natalie! That is so gross. Why do you have to pick your nose!

Getting ready for the birthday party.

I love this picture because you can see the moment of impact!

My dad getting what he thinks is a confetti egg broken over his head.

I must attest to the fact that my brother did an awesome job. He had three kids for 2 weeks and almost made it without losing his mind--haha! He even had the house spotless when Rebekah came home despite the fact that the contractor working in the bathroom had spread sheetrock dust all over the house (seriously, we opened the front door after a 9 hour drive and EVERYTHING was covered in thick dust). Go Kevin! He is now taking babysitting appts. for those interested.

This is a store in Donna. I am really struggling to understand how this is a good idea.

And finally, it has become tradition that I let Natalie do my hair and makeup. She has gotten quite good but this picture is what happens when you let the two 4 year olds do it. Lily kept laughing "I gave you a beard!". Actually this is mild compared to previous beauty sessions.

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