Thursday, April 1, 2010

At Least it's Not a Full Body Cast.....yet

These two pictures are the reason for the next two pictures.

Connor broke his arm on Tuesday night. I was out running an errand and Aaron called me and said to go to the hospital. I thought he was joking until I heard Connor screaming in the background. Apparently, he was standing on the window seat in the living room trying to catch a mayfly and tripped and landed on his right arm. Luckily he is left handed.

Aaron said he knew right away it was broken since he has quite a bit of experience in this area. He managed to somehow load up both kids, drive to the hospital, and CARRY them both in. I, in the meantime, was also speeding to the hospital and got pulled over. Luckily, they believed me, told me to slow down, and let me go.

Connor was given morphine right away and then he started telling knock knock jokes and talking about waterfalls. He screamed and had to be held down when they put in the iv and then when they set his arm. He broke both arm bones all the way through. They gave him amnesia medicine so he doesn't remember them setting it.

Once he came to he realized how interesting everything was and didn't want to leave. We walked around the ER and let him check everything out. The doctors showed him his x-ray and gave him a copy to take home.

Of course he threw up all over himself as soon as we got in the car. Between the cast and the puke I had to cut his shirt off when we got home.

Yesterday he was pretty mopey and teary but today he went to school and did great. It was the best thing because he was forced to figure out how to do a lot of things with one hand knowing mom and dad weren't there to help him. Unfortunately, he cannot play soccer anymore.

Aaron says this is just the first page in a long file they will have on him at the hospital.

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