Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Gleam in Her Eye

As I just typed that title I laughed because I realized that's what you say when you talk about a future baby---NO, I am not (and never will be) pregnant!

Charlotte was in the bathtub with Connor and I was teaching her to not stand up. She kept doing it and then looking at me rather mischieviously. I said, "Charlotte, look at you. Standing up over and over with a gleam in your eye!" Connor grabbed her and the following conversation was:

C: Mom, I'll hold her and you get it out!
K: Get what out?
C: The gleam.
K: Connor! That's just a saying.
C: What color is it? What does it look like?

Too funny!

One more for you. The other day he said something about "Balden" eagles. I asked him what a "Balden" eagle was and he said, "You know, like a rappin' eagle like the kind wrapped in a hot dog but not the kind you eat." What????????

In Charlotte news, she is walking wonderfully. Still a little unsteady at times but definately getting faster. She is so cute at this age. I also love how she has so much hair. Other 14 month olds I see have just a thin, short layer but I can put her's in ponytails. The other day I even braided it!

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