Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hello Again

I'm a little overwhelmed in how much blogging I have to do. This is a LONG post so hang in there.

First a few of Connor's funny sayings:

--Mom, you smell like hamburgers. I LOVE hamburgers. ( I guess the best compliment a 5 year old boy could give a mom).

--I am not going to be a space guy that drives in space because Jupiter can suck space. (You know in HIS mind this all made perfect sense).

And in Charlotte news:

She loves playing with the girls in the neighborhood. They just dote on her! I love it because it is like having free babysitting!

She is in the shoe phase. If there is a pair of shoes around she will try to wear them.

Waaaa! This is not the size I ordered!

She is feeding herself and, like her brother, likes to be a clown.

Warning: Although the Wonder Bra has super powers it should not be worn as a cape nor will it allow you to fly.

"Trust me. I'm a doctor"

She loves to feed her "baby dah's".

Never Moving Again!!!

And, the best news, is that we finally moved into our house! Jan. 28 couldn't have come soon enough thanks to our crazy rental house landlord but that's another story!

My mom came down to help us move in. Connor was not sure about sleeping upstairs all by himself so he had a campout with Gramma.

Charlotte had no problem enjoying her new room! Notice she has a firm grip on Giraffey. Never let's go all night long. Just like Connor was with his pacifiers in each hand.

Charlotte exploring the stairs.

Let's Take a Trip!

Since moving isn't crazy enough we decided, after being in our house only 5 days, to fly back to Phoenix with my mom and surprise my dad. There's just no excitment like trying to pack (when you aren't even really unpacked) to go from a winter to summer climate and not knowing where
your clothes are.

The pilot on both flights let Connor sit in the cockpit and made the controls make noises like the plane was shooting laser guns. One of them announced, "Ladies and Gentleman, we have Connor with us today. He will be programming our route so if we end up in Hawaii instead of Phoenix we apologize!". He loved it!

We had a great time in Phoenix. The RV resort my parents were at was really nice and we also had a chance to visit with my grandparents.

Ernie Burke

And now for the story of our flight back.

The fact that I remember his name so many months later is testament to the
impression he left on me. His name was Ernie Burke. He was a farmer somewhere
in Iowa and had big, gnarled hands. When I first got on the plane I was not at
all looking forward to the flight. The first of two legs back to Dallas and
Charlotte was already restless. We found our seats and I laughed to myself each
time someone got on the plane and would glance down, notice the empty seat next
to the lady with two small kids, and quickly keep walking. I thought to myself,
"The person who sits here is going to be the last one to board." Then came
Ernie Burke. He walked right up to me and asked if the seat was taken. I said,
"No. You must be a very brave man." He appeared to be the nice grandpa type
but still.....I would have avoided me.

We made our introductions and before I knew it we had taken off and were already
flying. He told me all about his farm and Iowa. When Charlotte started trying
to squirm away he offered to hold her. I was a little hesitant but thought,
"Hey, if you really want to hold a grumpy 1.5 year old, go for it". She was
completely taken by his glasses and that kept her occupied. She kept trying to
grab his big nose. They were really getting along great and she was perfectly
happy. I thought, "Boy, did I luck out or what! She loves this guy and he must
be the most patient person in the world to be dealing with us." He finally
asked her name and I said "Charlotte". He looked surprised and said, "Did you
say Charlotte?" So he told me his story.

He was 80 now but had grown up knowing Charlotte. He never really thought about
her. Her eyes were kind of droopy and couldn't be fixed with surgery. Later,
his mom pushed him to ask out the "nice girl" Charlotte and being the only kid
to probably ever listen to his mother in this way, he did. They were soon
married and she was the love of his life. They had three boys. She died young,
after only being married about 9 years and the kids were still very little.

By now he had big tears running down his face.

I didn't have the guts to ask him how she died. He was clearly walking down
memory lane. Still with tears running down his face he kept holding Charlotte
saying, "My Charlotte, my Charlotte....." She was touching the tears on
his face trying to figure out what they were. Of course, I was also crying by
this point but trying to hide it. I'm sure he knew. I know what he was
thinking, and I don't believe in that sort of thing, but these two, 79 years
apart, had a connection.

Ernie carried Charlotte off the plane like a proud grandpa and introduced her to
his wife of 40 years, "Honey, this is Charlotte Porter Coleman". We said our
goodbyes and I went to my next flight. I cried all during that flight just
thinking of him and the Charlotte he had lost. Connor asked, "Mom, why are you
crying?" I just told him "because that man was so nice." He made such and
impact on me. Even now I am starting to cry. I think more for him. I'm not

So, Ernie Burke, wherever you are in Iowa, thanks for the most memorable flight
of my life.

Finally Home

I've always said "Home is where the swingset is". With everything going on with moving we just hadn't gotten around to putting it back together. We found a guy who would do it for $300 and said it would take him 8-15 hours. He kept saying what a big job it would be didn't sound very sure about the whole thing. When my dad found out how much it would cost to get a massive swingset put together around here he just thought that was ridiculous. One Southwest Rapid Reward later and he was on the next plane out, pnuematic gun in hand. Much to even his own surprise, he and Aaron had the set together in 3.5 hours. And, they didn't even have to make any trips to Home Depot!

That same day every kid on our street was in our backyard swarming the swingset. Yippee!


Charlotte and Addie playing on the slide before it was put up.

The Three Musketeers (Jack, Connor, Drew)

Grampa rocking Charlotte to sleep.

Finally Projects Again

It's been fun having projects to do around the house again. After 11 years at our last house there was nothing left except maintenance. So I've been spending the last few months getting settled. I'll try to write about all my fun projects.

The first project is actually Aaron's.

He decided to make a planter/bench for me. It looks awesome! People can't believe he didn't have plans to follow!

Daddy and his helper.

Since our appliances are not magnetic I made this board for the kids. I used the wood frame from a cabinet that the builder had to replace, cut it down to fit tightly into the space, and added sheet metal.

And, of course, since one man's trash is my boss was going to throw away a bunch of heavy duty commercial tablecloths so I took them home instead and made them into curtains. I even lined them with the white tablecloths. Yippee!


Since we don't have any family here we called up our other "no family" friends and had everyone over for Easter potluck style.

The kids had a great time and we love to get to spend time with our old neighbors and best friends.

Charlotte "finding" her basket.

Kindergarten Nerves

Two weeks ago I took Connor up to Pink Elementary to register. Since we were just turning in paperwork I didn't think it would be a big deal but I guess I forgot he is MY child. I DO NOT like change (see blog on Aaron telling me we were moving--Ha!). I cried every first day of school, including high school. I was always worried the school was too big and I wouldn't know where I was going or doing. Come to think of it I cried when my parents dropped me off at Tech!

As we walked up to the GLASS (as in "Everyone can see you") doors Connor dug in like a mule. He was not about to go in. He cried, held on to me, laid in my lap on the bench outside. I finally, and unfortunately, had to resolve to bribery to get him in the building without causing a scene. You can see from the pictures below that he then acted like a monkey in the office. I'm sure the office staff loved him climbing the window.

He refused to look at me for a picture.

Nope, still not looking.

Yes, he actually tried to climb up on the windowsill. Hmmm, Connor, how did you break your arm same time last year?

Meeting Daddy at Waffle House after registering for kindergarten.

Anyway, this morning we had to go up to the school for a parent meeting. I didn't tell him that we were going at all because the kicker was that while the parents were in the meeting the kids would take a tour of the school with a 1st grader. Oh yeah, like he was going to leave me with some kid he didn't know! We met up with Campbell from across the street (also entering kindergarten). I thought it would help if he knew a friend.

We made it into the building no problem but when they told the kids to get in their groups he started tearing up and saying, "NO! I'm NOT going." He was not going without me. He wouldn't even put the colored group tag around his neck. So I had to go and he was literally the LAST kid out of the cafeteria and the only one with his mom in tow.

Honestly, I was almost on the verge of tears myself. I was so frusterated with him. How in the world was he going to go to the first day?! He's the craziest, most outgoing kid at his preschool but he was acting like he'd never been out of the house!

He clung to me and wouldn't even get in line during the tour. But then I had an idea. After about 10 minutes he was starting to act goofy so I knew he was getting comfortable. I said, "Connor, I need to go check on Charlotte. I'll be right back." He seemed ok with that and I left! Good thing because when I got back to the cafeteria Charlotte was painting the floor with my brand new "semi-permanent" lipstick. (As of 8 p.m. it is still on her legs and feet and will not come off. She looks like she has red scars. Fantastic.)

I still expected Connor to come running hysterically into the cafeteria but he made it. Before ging home we introduced ourselves to the principal and she said, "Connor, I noticed that your mom didn't have to stay with you the entire tour. That's great!". He seemed pretty proud of himself.

The Cul-de-Sac Kids

Yes, they actually have a sign they put up.

Connor decided he was going to sell water and he made $1.75!

(Connor, Campbell, Briley, Audidav)

Connor playing football with the boys. He can really launch it! Especially since he's the youngest.
(He's in the green striped shirt. Just watch the first 15 sec. It's kind of long)

Connor and Audidav in the princess mobile.

Connor & Audidav (Mexican wrestler/superheros)

Connor and Campbell learning how to nail.

And, last but not least, Nana and the kids.

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