Monday, May 23, 2011

Yea Connor!

This morning we were driving in the car and had the following conversation:

Connor (C): Mom, when we are outside and we open our mouths to talk do we eat God?
Mom (M): No! Why would you think that?
C: Then how does he get in our heart?
M: Well, he's in there when we are born. He gets in there when you are made in your mom's stomach.

(I realized I had to explain a little more so he didn't think that was it and God would always just be there.)

M: You know, God is in your heart, but you have to pray and ask him to stay. You always have a choice. If you don't love Jesus and don't want him there he will leave.
C: Well then we need to pray right now.
M: Ok. Go ahead. (I'm wondering if he's thinking I'm going to pray or what so I just wait).
C: (after a pause). God, please don't ever leave our heart. Amen.

Wow! Connor, we are so proud of you!

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