Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1st Day of 2nd Grade

Connor did great his 1st day he didn't cry or run out of the room and this morning he said, "mom, you liked school right?".  I said yes I always had liked it (I didn't tell him I also always cried my first day). He said," I like school too. I am excited to go". Come rely different t from the last two years when I had to force him the first few days. 

His teacher is Ms. Decker. She has a lot of experience (21 years), twin 3rd grade boys, and seems just the right balance of kind and firm. 

Charlotte and Mommy had "girl day" after we dropped him off. We met my friend Erin and her daughter Rylie at the mall and ate and played. At the end we treated the girls (and ourselves unfortunately to fancy cupcakes). 

We have future plans for pedicures!

Friday, August 23, 2013

She's Gonna Be High Maintenance

So besides the fact that she cries when a speck of dirt is on her and don't even mention a bug, she is now freaking out about the red spot on her face. She asked me "Mom, what is it?!?  When will it go away?!"  I told her just a bug bite but still today she is all upset about it. 

I dread her first pimple. 

How did this child come from her love of the great outdoors camping mother?  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Luckily I do a homemade photo calendar each year.  The pictures for this month (March) are always from last March and so on. 

I am so far behind now on blogging I can't remember what we really did last April (that's where I'm caught up to).  So, I looked at the calendar and the only thing on April is this.....


Now what's really funny is that I know for a fact this pic was taken in May at my neighbors house.  So, the official story for April 2012 is........nothing happened!
Now, It just occurred to me you may be wondering, "Why does she feel obiligated to blog for each month of the year?".  Boring!  So sorry, but my black and white only brain has to operate this way.
Connor finished Kindergarten and sadly enough was sick his last day of school!  He missed his first official "Last Day of School!" party.  I think I cried but he didn't seem to care.  I think he was just glad he got to stay home. :)  Luckily he had his graduation the day before.
  Connor and Mrs. Hall

 I have to admit this is a great pic but I mainly like it because it makes me look thin.  hahaha.

  Connor received the Super Scientist award.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Life at the Improv

Before I continue my catch up blogging for last year I thought I'd add some more funny sayings from the kids:

  • I've been teaching the kids how to put their own clothes away after I fold everything.  I had given Charlotte her basket and suddenly from upstairs I hear screaming and crying.  I ran upstairs and she is balling her eyes out and sobbing, "WHY ARE THERE BOY SOCKS IN MY BASKET??  NOT BOY SOCKS!". 

  • Charlotte has been having dreams. On particularly weird one was that "wrapping paper people" were in her room stealing all her hair bows. Creepy.

  • In the car Charlotte was singing the following song: "He never, never, never, ever let's you go (waving her finger around) cuz Santa Claus loves you so!". And I'm thinking she's singing about Jesus. Oh Well.

  • I keep 2 neighbor kids after school and Connor and the kindergarten girl play school and house on occasion.  I heard them upstairs having the following conversation:
    • Sophie:  Honey, what do you do for your job?
    • Connor:  I make boxes.  I sell boxes.  I clean boxes.
    • A few minutes later.......
    • S:  Honey, that palm tree in our room is beautiful (he has a beach themed room).
    • C:  Not as beautiful as my surfboard on the wall.
    • S:  Oh, honey, you won that surfboard years ago.
    • C:  I know, I've had it since I was a kid.
    • A few minutes later........
    • C:  Listen!  You don't know my mother!
    • S:  Yes I do!
    • C:  No you don't!
Charlotte One liners:

  • If a friend doesn't speak Spanish to another friend she gets "a-lonely".
  • To Connor:  You helped me out of bed!  I couldn't have done it without you Connor!
  • Hey, Yuck!  Who cut the pizza?! or Someone did the cheese! (She's been learning from the other goofy kids)
  • Out of the blue in the car:  Mom, am I weird?
  • Connor, are you wearing panties?
  • I like Connor.  He's my boy.
  • Can we have a holly, jolly Christmas?

Connor Deep Thoughts:

  • Mom, I can see through the glass in the car window.
  • Santa, is an elf hiding his ears.

And finally........

Charlotte has an invisible friend named Yana.  She has been with us for at least 8-9 months now.  It's weird.  She talks about her all the time.  She'll point out houses where Yana "lives".  One time she saw her in the Walmart parking lot????  Yana's mom is Sarah.  However, lately Yana has been being naughty so I've told Charlotte she can't play with her.  She thinks it's really funny.  I think she is starting to get the whole idea that Yana is pretend but for a while there it was freaking me out!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Wow.  The thought of posting for an entire year is daunting. 

I'm not really sure why I never blogged this year but I think it's just called life. 

So my New Year's Resolution is to post on the last day of every month going forward.....Check back. Dad and Mom, it's your job to call and give me grief if I don't do it. :)


I forgot I had already blogged about our 1st Annual Coleman's New Year's Eve Bash last year. Wow. I'm already up to February!

As you can see Charlotte began the new year by becoming a fashionista. She went through a underwear over pj's over diaper phase. This one was actually taken at my work (church) so you can tell she's not afraid to put it all out there!

We also had a nice family Valentine's dinner. We had fancy plastic glasses from the dollar store and the kids enjoyed eating with candles.


I just love this pic so I had to include it. Connor was all excited about climbing the rock wall but he put one foot on it and said no way!

We started our 2nd season with Connor's new team the Fire. Since I am blogging a year behind I can tell you we have made some really good friends on this team and just love it. Several of the players are extremely good and we've done pretty well. In the year since this pic was taken Connor has come a long way and really goes after the ball whereas he used to hesitate. He has even played a bit of goalie. Our coaches are awesome! They really encourage the boys to just have fun and aren't crazy like some of the others. I even saw one team doing pushups when they lost. Ridiculous!

This next story is a tribute to my late husband.  Yes, he sacrificed for the family, and all what remains is really just a shell of the former man.  As you can see below there is a gorgeous, testosterone injected, black truck. Our Tahoe finally had seen it's day after 11 years.  I really loved that thing.  I didn’t have to worry about it getting scratched or dented because it already was, drove like a tank, felt safe, ah, the memories. 

However, I carpool and the truck only held 3 kids so I was constantly putting Charlotte's carseat in and out. So after one month of not so gentle persuasion Aaron caved (aka got sick of me), I mean graciously agreed to a minivan.......Check it out ladies! Seats 8! I've even starting taking care of 2 of my neighbors after school and my car payment is almost paid for each month!

It looks just like the one below. I had to use stock photos since mine is now appropriately filled with honeycomb on the floor, kid toys, and a port-a-potty.

Thanks Aaron :)

SE shown in Silver Sky Metallic with available power tilt/slide moonroof. 2012 model shown.
XLE interior shown in Light Gray with available XLE Premium Package

Male Bonding
Aaron took Connor to an archery range to have some fun.  He loved it.  The funniest part was when he shot the "buffalo/cow" target right in the behind!  He thought that was great. 

We also started our patio.  I'll try to track down some completed photos.

Ok. Now for some comic relief (sorry my formatting is all messed up).
· I asked Charlotte for help cleaning out the car and she told me, "I can't because my legs are tired of walking." What?
· Connor's new favorite saying when he's excited, "Oh yeah, this is gonna be epic!"
· Connor out of the blue while driving in the car, "Mom, did you know there are some shots that suck?". I finally figured out he is talking about when blood is drawn.
· Another time I wasn't getting any help around the house and I told Connor:
Mom: You know, someday you'll have to do all the work.
Connor: No I won't!
Mom: Why? You'd better not tell me you are going to make your wife do all the work.
Connor: No because I'm not gonna have one!
· Deep thoughts from Connor: Trees in the winter are like bald people.
· Deep thoughts from Charlotte: How much do fish like water?
Well I'm done for now!  Not sure what's going on but I can't upload anymore pics and the formatting is getting crazy.  I guess my computer is revolting.  Goodnight.