Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Life at the Improv

Before I continue my catch up blogging for last year I thought I'd add some more funny sayings from the kids:

  • I've been teaching the kids how to put their own clothes away after I fold everything.  I had given Charlotte her basket and suddenly from upstairs I hear screaming and crying.  I ran upstairs and she is balling her eyes out and sobbing, "WHY ARE THERE BOY SOCKS IN MY BASKET??  NOT BOY SOCKS!". 

  • Charlotte has been having dreams. On particularly weird one was that "wrapping paper people" were in her room stealing all her hair bows. Creepy.

  • In the car Charlotte was singing the following song: "He never, never, never, ever let's you go (waving her finger around) cuz Santa Claus loves you so!". And I'm thinking she's singing about Jesus. Oh Well.

  • I keep 2 neighbor kids after school and Connor and the kindergarten girl play school and house on occasion.  I heard them upstairs having the following conversation:
    • Sophie:  Honey, what do you do for your job?
    • Connor:  I make boxes.  I sell boxes.  I clean boxes.
    • A few minutes later.......
    • S:  Honey, that palm tree in our room is beautiful (he has a beach themed room).
    • C:  Not as beautiful as my surfboard on the wall.
    • S:  Oh, honey, you won that surfboard years ago.
    • C:  I know, I've had it since I was a kid.
    • A few minutes later........
    • C:  Listen!  You don't know my mother!
    • S:  Yes I do!
    • C:  No you don't!
Charlotte One liners:

  • If a friend doesn't speak Spanish to another friend she gets "a-lonely".
  • To Connor:  You helped me out of bed!  I couldn't have done it without you Connor!
  • Hey, Yuck!  Who cut the pizza?! or Someone did the cheese! (She's been learning from the other goofy kids)
  • Out of the blue in the car:  Mom, am I weird?
  • Connor, are you wearing panties?
  • I like Connor.  He's my boy.
  • Can we have a holly, jolly Christmas?

Connor Deep Thoughts:

  • Mom, I can see through the glass in the car window.
  • Santa, is an elf hiding his ears.

And finally........

Charlotte has an invisible friend named Yana.  She has been with us for at least 8-9 months now.  It's weird.  She talks about her all the time.  She'll point out houses where Yana "lives".  One time she saw her in the Walmart parking lot????  Yana's mom is Sarah.  However, lately Yana has been being naughty so I've told Charlotte she can't play with her.  She thinks it's really funny.  I think she is starting to get the whole idea that Yana is pretend but for a while there it was freaking me out!


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