Monday, November 10, 2014

Halloween 2014

We had a great Fall Festival at our church and Halloween the next week in the hood.  The weather was beautiful for both.  Connor was an army guy and Charlotte was a mermaid.  I had to talk her out of being Elsa from Frozen by saying, "Charlotte, do you know how many Elsa's there will be?!".  I saw on the internet before Halloween people were suggesting a game where you take a drink every time an Elsa comes to your door.  Ha!
The Cromwell Court Kids (Notice we are starting to get some too old to dress up!)

Army man and the mermaid princess (and I see a cute little doggie in the window !)
Olaf, Mermaid, Elsa, Cowgirl
The Annual "1st Bonfire of the Year"

Hide and Seek in the Car?

Yes, my children actually tried to play hide and seek in the car the other day. This is Charlotte counting and Connor trying to hide. 

Rule's of Life 52-54

Rule of Life #52:  Do not put your daughter in bed with you to "cuddle" 30 seconds before she plans on throwing up on you, herself, and the bed.

Rule of Life #53:  Do not buy a two story house with carpeted stairs. 

Rule of Life #54:  Do not sleep with a loud fan so that you cannot hear your son calling for you. When you do not answer he will proceed to throw up all over his room and down the stairs, skillfully making sure to hit each step, as he tries to get to you at 2 am. 

Rule of Life #54(a):  Your elderly dog does not qualify as "exceptionally talented" just because she can pee on each of your carpeted stairs while walking down said stairs. (I am horrified yet impressed. This could be a new example of "shock and awe".)

Welcome to my life since Friday. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pink Elementary Color Run

Every year Connor's school does a fun run fundraiser.  This year they did a color run which is the new "thing" for 5K's, half's, and full marathons.  Basically, colored corn starch is thrown at you which then leaves you and your clothing very colorful at the end.  The school raised $47,000!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Short Random Post

Random thoughts, random pictures.................

This photo was a in magazine.  It cracked me up but I am happy to say that my cul-de-sac is very close and I don't know what I'd do without them.  We love to get together!

If you can't read the small sign it says "Lost Art Exhibit.....Block Party".  Sad but true.

Charlotte's outfit for her preschool picture and Connor's 3rd Grade picture.....................

 When Connor was little, and even now!, everything is a gun.  For Charlotte everything is a phone!

And, finally, this is a horrible pic but my best friend Erin and I are training for a marathon in Austin on Feb. 16, 2015.  Saturday we did 11 miles and it was great.  I thought we would be more tired but I guess our training is working!  We get up most days at 5:00 and run by 5:30.  If Erin wasn't holding me accountable I promise you I wouldn't be doing this!  Thanks my friend!

Our Little Gymnast

Our other little athlete is Charlotte the gymnast.  She has been attending Eagle Gymnastics for about 1.5 years.  She loves her instructor Miss Chloe who is a cute college girl, much like I was.  Haha.....I digress.  Anyway, her are some pics and videos.

Getting ready for her first class in her cute warmup suit.............................

This was after her first lesson..................

And she now likes to do gymnastics in the car while we wait to pick up the kids from school..........

And Mommy loves gymnastics because it is indoors and has wifi!! :)