Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas 2011

We were lucky to have my parents and my brother's family at our house for Christmas this past year. It was really special since it was also the first Christmas in our new house and I had really gone all out on the decorating. Along with the fact that I almost didn't have any decorations at all (see previous post "The Grinch that Almost Stole Christmas")!!

Charlotte had fun getting to know her cousins more. Here she is with Lily, Kevin and Rebekah's middle daughter who is three weeks older than Connor.

Charlotte made her first pierogi (Polish food). We even staged a photo recreation of me making my first pierogi at her age. I think the measuring cup and rolling pin are the same ones I used.

The kids made an obnoxious birthday cake for Jesus which actually was really good. I think it had to do with the piles of crunchy sprinkles mixed into the frosting!

Connor being Connor. Apparently decorating cakes for Jesus is AWESOME!!!!

Charlotte getting into the holiday spirit---haha!

The gift that keeps on giving---Scrunched up $1 bills!

Later that night Aaron put together Connor's big gift--a Green Machine.

Charlotte got my old Cabbage Patch type doll. Remember when they were impossible to get and women used to fight in the stores to get one? Luckily my grandma sews and had made me one!

New Years 2012

For New Years Eve we had some friends/neighbors over and had a great time. It was nice to not have to go out and everyone got to walk home rather than risk the roads after midnight.

I've been trying to come up with a caption for this photo of our neighbors Chris and Leslie.
Chris: "Hi. I'm Chris. Wanna see my Ferrari parked outside? Really. I swear."
Leslie: "What-EVER!".

The kids at midnight.

Steve opening champagne for the grownups.

Charlotte midnight snacking.

The Funny Things They Say

  • I was cleaning out my purse and shaking it over the sink to get the crumbs out. I didn't realize there was change in one pocket. As it fell into the garbage disposal I said out loud, "Am I an idiot!??!". Charlotte was apparently listening because she said, "No......(long pause).......Not yet!"
  • Charlotte has been walking around the house saying "I want Jesus". I thought "wow, I must be doing a really good job talking about God and the Bible" until I realized she has really been asking for "Cheez It's".
  • We drove by a wreck and I said that we should say a quick prayer. Charlotte folded her hands and said, "Thank you God for bars." I know she meant cereal bars but it was pretty funny.
  • Connor: Dad how much do you weigh?
  • Aaron: Alot.
  • Connor: Will you get on the scale?
  • Aaron: No.
  • Connor: Why not? Will it break?
  • Charlotte made up a song in the car the other day. While I can't describe the tune but the words were: "Mommy's car's a mess, Mommy's car's a mess, But that's OK! "

Home Church

A couple of times we have, for various reasons, missed going to church so we tried to have church at home. The kids loved it although it wasn's quite been the worshipful experience I had hoped. Here's how it went:
Connor holds up his children's Bible and asks us questions about the pictures such as, "Why is the crab not biting the whale's tonque?" (Jonah). All Aaron and I could come up with was "Uh, because God is controlling the crab?". Not very spiritual. Next Connor had us sing "Row, row, row your boat" and then went around the living room shaking a rain stick. At this point Charlotte said "Ok. Buckle your seatbelts!" and then Connor told us it was intermission!

Valentine's Day

Connor had to do a valentine for each kid in his class and I asked him who he wanted to start with. I was surprised when he said "Ava". I asked him why her? Maybe there was something going on here! "Because Mom, her name only has 3 letters!" Yep. Still doesn't have a clue!

First Loose Tooth

Connor came home from school and told me he had his first "wiggly" tooth. I do not like loose teeth. It gives me the creeps. Of course all his friends were telling him to just twist it! Gross. Two weeks went by and that tooth was not getting any looser!

On Saturday we went to his soccer game and I saw a ball going flying toward Connor's face and then saw him bend over and pick something up off the ground. He was crying on the field so I ran to him and the ball had knocked out his tooth! He was still very upset until he got back to the bench and the other boys "oooh-ed" and "aaahhh-ed" over it. Then he felt pretty cool and I didn't have to be creeped out by his loose tooth anymore!

And last, but not least, potty training!

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