Monday, December 5, 2011

Did It Again (But Better)!

Well I submitted myself to punishment again and ran the White Rock Half Marathon on Sunday.

Long story short: It rained the entire race and was 30 something degrees. I was soaked. It was like having a lake in your shoes. I loved it.

Just like last year I didn't train like I should have and have had shoe problems. Anyway, I had decided to walk/run in order to get my $125 (entrance fee) finisher t-shirt. :)

BUT, much to my surprise I felt great, ran the whole thing, and DRASTICALLY improved my time.

2010: 2:42:16

2011: 2:19:25

That's right! You heard me! I shaved off almost 23 min. This time I hydrated during the race with Gatorade and fueled with Gu (energy gel). Last time I just did water and what a difference!

Last year I could barely walk and felt nauseous after but this time I walked right into the runner's building and felt great.

See ya Dec. 2, 2012!!

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