Friday, February 26, 2010


Here's the video I was talking about with Super (Great) Grandpa and Connor. I keep stumbling across it on my computer so thought I'd share it for old times sake.

This one is Connor making a goal and then it quickly becomes less exciting as I film the ground.

And, finally, some footage of Charlotte rolling around and also one of her talking to Miss BeBe (she comes to our house to cut Connor's hair).

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Little Bit of Everything

Aaron's work gave us the cutest Ralph Lauren outfits for Charlotte (there's nothing like getting expensive baby clothes when the company's buying!). I love this pink dress and the big bow is compliments of my sister-in-law.

Charlotte with Dr. Franken who delivered her (and Connor).

The outfit below was my brother's when he was born. In these pictures, Connor was 4 days old and Charlotte is 3 months old. I should have taken hers sooner because she looks like she is going out for the wrestling team.

Not sure who looks more miserable! (Connor did ask to hold her.)

The latest in auto safety--have a dog sit on you.

Connor makes a basket!

Connor in his soccer uniform. They have had two games and won both. I have video but Blogger will not upload it so I will work on that and hopefully post later.

I also have one more video of Connor when he was 16 months old and Super Grandpa was helping him feed ducks. It keeps popping up on my screen saver and is super cute. However, I'm having trouble with that one too. I'll work on it. Take Care!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Sad Day

Normally I would be excited about snow especially a record snowfall for Dallas. However, the results at our house are quite sad. You may or may not know how much I love my trees, most of all my wax myrtles. For 10 years I have carefully pruned them to accentuate their lovely curvy trunks. They all looked like big umbrellas. My favorite was the one just off the back patio that was surrounded by a circle of bushes. Rabbits had their babies under it every spring. I would put up fencing to keep the dogs away. This particular tree also had its share of HUGE spider webs that were quite amazing except for the HUGE spiders. Each tree was placed by the landscapers for a specific reason: the one in the back blocked the view of the neighbors house, the ones in the front were right in front of the dining room window where you looked out onto the wavy trunks. I remember one time I was sitting in the office and heard LOUD chirping. I looked up and one of the trees was filled with hundreds (no exaggeration) of the tiniest yellow birds. It looked like the tree had flowered! Then all at once they flew away in one huge group. Now they are all gone. The "bird" tree had to be cut down last year when it became diseased. And now the others are gone from the snow damage. Connor asked if God could fix them.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Finally Some Pictures

One more funny thing Connor said. He never wants to cut his toenails so I finally told him that if I didn't do it the doctor would have to. I asked again, "Connor when are we going to cut your toenails?". He said "Later" and when I asked "when" thinking we'd set the timer he said "December".
Here is Connor playing out in the snow this morning.

Today was also supposed to be Connor's Valentine's party at school but since school was cancelled we had an impromptu party at home. I asked him to put all the cookie dough on the baking sheet and he did. I guess he is very particular and organized. I wonder where he got that from? And, yes, we ate all the cookies by 10 a.m.!

Being funny at the mall with Charlotte.

Charlotte's 2 month pictures, Connor learning to do the dishes, and other stuff.

And, finally, not the cutest expression but it cracks me up!

Christmas in February!

Snow was predicted but I guess it got here earlier than expected because when I woke up this a.m. everything was covered. When Connor woke up I told him to go open his blinds. Now, kids sometimes fail to see the obvious or just don't react the way you think they will so I wasn't sure if he would be excited or not. But, just like I remember my brother and I doing, he opened the blinds and in his little voice said (with a gasp) "Snow!". I went to go get Charlotte while he looked out of the window and heard him add, "It must be Christmas!".

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Finally! A New Post

Welcome back to the site of the worst blogger ever. Ok, yes, I do have a 3 month old but the whole purpose was so family could see pics of the kids. At this rate they'll be 10 before I get going. I think my perfectionist tendencies are getting in the way. I want it to be perfect so when I can't decide exactly what pictures to use or what to write I just put it off until "tomorrow". So, for now I will just type some stuff about the kids and maybe try to do pics tomorrow. Sorry Grandparents!


She is a GREAT baby. She is very content and only cries when she is trying to go to sleep. She is now sleeping about 8 hours between the nighttime feedings--Yea! She has also started cooing, smiling and likes to stare at her hand like she's drugged. She weighs 12 lbs.

The one issue we are dealing with right now (because it just wouldn't be fair to have such a good baby with at least some issues!) is that she is getting a flat spot on the right side of her head. This is a result of her only wanting to look to look to her right. This also results in the muscles on the right side of her neck being very tight. For now, the Dr. has shown me 2 exercises to do to stretch out the muscles. She'll go back to the Dr. on March 3 to see if we've made any progress. Hopefully she won't end up in a helmet although that is a possibility.


He is a GREAT big brother. Honestly, I can’t think of one moment of jealousy. Our problem is actually the opposite—He wants to kiss and hug her ALL THE TIME. Everyday, he’ll say “I love you, Charlotte” and has always referred to her as “my baby”. On occasion he will crawl in the crib with her and hug her until I tell him that he should probably stop. My friends have warned me that the love fest will end when Charlotte can crawl and get to his toys.

We gave him a bike for Christmas and is doing great learning to ride. He is also “playing” on a basketball team which is really just a skills class of semi-organized chaos. I knew we were in trouble the 1st day when the coach said “grab a partner” and Connor literally grabbed the first kid to run by and about knocked him over. I knew we were in worse trouble when he tried to teach them to dribble, pass, and shoot all in the same class. I don’t think he has much experience with 3 & 4 year olds. It is quite entertaining though.

Connor is also really into the small legos. We buy these little sets that have about 80 pieces and he will follow all 25 steps of instructions to put it together.

He is totally in the “do it myself stage” so everything takes twice as long to do. We have even gone to the mall with his clothes on backwards because that the way he wanted it!

Funny things Connor has said:

· While I was still pregnant we were at the park and a lady asked Connor if he was going to share his toys with his sister. He said “No!”. When the lady asked why not he said, “Not until she gets out!” Duh!

· When Connor was about 2 and starting to talk more we had the discussion about only using “potty words” in the potty. Somehow he translated this to his private parts being called “potty words”. Anyway, when I was pregnant I was showing him where her head, arms, and legs were positioned. He responded, “But, Mama, where are her potty words?”.

· As I said she is “his baby” but when we got home from the hospital he came and found me and said “Mama, THAT baby is crying. Someone has got to feed THAT baby.”

· I was changing her diaper and she was fussy. Connor was watching and said, “I know, I know, Tickle-licious.” I have NO idea where he heard that one.

· He used to like to pray at dinner but now never wants to so the other night I asked him, “Connor, what can I do to make you more comfortable and not so nervous about praying?”. His response, “You can pray”. Not really what I was looking for but a pretty logical solution!