Thursday, February 11, 2010

Finally Some Pictures

One more funny thing Connor said. He never wants to cut his toenails so I finally told him that if I didn't do it the doctor would have to. I asked again, "Connor when are we going to cut your toenails?". He said "Later" and when I asked "when" thinking we'd set the timer he said "December".
Here is Connor playing out in the snow this morning.

Today was also supposed to be Connor's Valentine's party at school but since school was cancelled we had an impromptu party at home. I asked him to put all the cookie dough on the baking sheet and he did. I guess he is very particular and organized. I wonder where he got that from? And, yes, we ate all the cookies by 10 a.m.!

Being funny at the mall with Charlotte.

Charlotte's 2 month pictures, Connor learning to do the dishes, and other stuff.

And, finally, not the cutest expression but it cracks me up!

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