Friday, December 3, 2010

Connor's World and Other Fun Stuff!

Oh, The Things He Says!

  • For Charlotte's birthday I bid on and won a set of Madame Alexander dolls that were part of McDonald's Happy Meals a while back. One of them is Cinderella and Connor had never heard of her before. He kept asking what her name was and then I heard him say, "Don't worry Carla, the prince is coming."

  • "Mom, was I born before you?"--"No silly, you were in my stomach"--"How did I get there?"--"God put you there"--(Frusterated) "But HOW did I get there!!??"

  • I have talked to at least 3 moms up at school and the conversations go like this:

Me: Oh, really? I also have a 5 year old in Ms. Kim's class. His name is Connor.

Her: ARE YOU SERIOUS! (I'm thinking, "Oh, great, this can't be good"). My daughter (Kendall B, Kendall T, Riley, Bailey) is in love with Connor! She can't even speak when she sees him!

These girls are 4-5! What's ironic is that that I talked to Connor's teacher and she says the other boys get a little embarrassed by the girls but Connor has no idea what's going on.

Our SOOOOOO Awesome Christmas Tree

We literally do not have enough room in the rental house to put a tree so this is it. The best thing is that Connor thinks it's great! I love how kids his age don't care if something is big, or fancy, or expensive. I probably could have given him a stick with one ornament and he would be thrilled!

Continuing with the theme of how our house is so awesome....

This is the space between my desk and the living room (which is really just one area that also includes the eating area, kitchen, laundry "room"/closet, and front door). As you can see, the coffee table is being stored on it's side because there is not enough space in the living room area. Anyway, what I think this is really called is "the best boy play area ever"! What kid wouldn't love this? Maybe I'll hide there just to get away.

Attack of the Birds

In The Colony we do seem to have a bizarre number of grackels (sp?) but this is ridiculous. We went to Walmart last night at about 5:00 and I honestly have never seen so many birds at one time. The sound was so loud. They were sitting at least 20 at a time on every car and just kept coming and going in these huge waves. They were flying so low one almost hit my head. We stood in the parking lot for about 10 minutes just watching. I'm sure people thought we were weird.

Please Don't Call CPS

Yes, we played the trick on Charlotte that I'm sure every parent does at one time or another. You know, she had to have the lemon and would not stop screeching for it, sooooo......

And, finally, you know a dad is not new when you see this......way to multi-task Dude!

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