Monday, December 13, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that's right----I Ran the Rock!

The White Rock Half Marathon that is. I really wasn't prepared (the farthest I had run was 9 miles) but since I had paid my money and wanted the shirt I figured I'd check it out. Of course, once I got there, the Porter in me kicked in and then I decided that I would feel like a loser if I walked any of it (not that you are a loser if you walk, because there are plenty of people who do, but I tend to set ridiculous expectations for myself).

So I ran the WHOLE thing and about fainted when I was done. My final time was 2:42 which was the same time as the top women's marathoner. I felt great until mile 6 when something happened to my hip but I prayed, ran through it, and worked it out. By mile 10 I was really hurting but you can't really stop if you make it to 10 so I kept on trudging. Believe me, I was trudging! By the time I made it to the finish line I was so glad to be done I didn't even look at my time!

Aaron brought the kids down for the finish. There were so many people that I couldn't see them but I heard Connor yell "Mommy!".

My immediate reaction upon finishing was that I would never do that again. But with a few days under my belt I think it has turned into a sick addiction and I have decided to do it again next year. Marathon maybe???? Hmmmmm.

Didn't Know I Could Paint!

My friend Carolin signed us up for an art class. It was great to get together with her since we don't see each other as much as we used to. I think our canvases turned out great! The teacher was really awesome and explained everything step by step. I love all the color!

This swirl is my favorite so I had to show a close up.

House Update

The fireplace is in and I really like it. It will look even better when the cedar mantle is put up. I like the rustic style but it also reminds me of a New Mexican style fireplace with the narrow top and the half circle hearth. It's like a little reminder of home.

Tile going in. Most people around here like wood so I can tell the neighbor ladies thought it was a little strange to do all tile but I love it.

They are extending our patio since it was so small. We didn't even ask but the head guy thought it looked ridiculous. Yea!!

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