Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Good Laugh At Myself

I promised the family some updated pics of the house but first I have to tell you this story that had me cracking myself up.

For those of you who know me you know I LOVE animals. If I lived alone I would probably be one of those crazy animal horders with 135 cats and dogs. Anyway, we went to Lubbock for Christmas and I was coming back to my bro-in-law's house and drove by a big chocolate lab laying dead in the street. Next to it was this filthy pink towel as if someone maybe tried to cover it up. I felt so bad....some kid was going to find out his dog died just days before Christmas. It was heartbreaking.

When I got back to the house I decided I was going to go for a run and had a plan. I would run up to the dog and cover it with the towel. As I was headed that way I grabbed two sticks so I could lay them in a cross shape on the towel. I just figured that when the owners found the dog they would at least know that someone cared. Maybe it would help ease the pain just a little.

I was getting nervous as I got closer because when I had driven by I could tell the dog was really mangled. I just took a deep breath and decided no matter how gross it looked I could do it for the sake of the dog.

I ran up towards it and thought "Man, that's a really big dog." As I got closer I thought "What is that? Those aren't dog feet. They're PIG feet!". I just burst out laughing because I was standing in front of an enormous wild boar with it's guts hanging out right in the middle of the neighborhood! I felt kind of silly but thought "Well, I came all this way and it is an animal.....". So, I covered this disgusting wild pig with a pretty pink towel and laid a cross on it and then high tailed it out of there. I hope no one saw me because they would think I was nuts! I swear that thing had to weigh at least 250 and it was U-G-L-Y!


Here are a couple of pictures of the entry chandalier and the kitchen light. My computer has been acting up and I just discovered my camera software was accidentally deleted. So these are from my phone--sorry they're so small! I'll have to fix it all tomorrow and I'll get some better photos up of house and kids.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you!
    So fun to find you here in the blogosphere. I absolutely love this story.

    Our Christmas card to you was returned. I think I've held onto it and will send again once you're settled.

    Hope all is well! Your children are beautiful!
