Sunday, December 19, 2010

When It Rains It Pours (no pun intended)

For those of you just discovering my blog after receiving a Christmas Card you can just skip this post. I don't want you to be too grossed out.

So, our rental house has ONE thing in it that is new--the living room carpet (I cannot even imagine how awful it must have been for my weird landlord lady to have it replaced. Homicide maybe?). Anyway, I came into the room yesterday morning and Connor was throwing up ALL over it. Like the kind with projectile splatter--You mom's know what I mean. As with every kid puking incident he immediately felt better and was jumping around and I was stuck cleaning it. After using an entire bottle of Spot Shot and every towel in the house I almost have it out.

Reminder: Just because it is Saturday, do not let your kids have as much Coco Krispies cereal as they want.

Later for dinner we went to Chili's. Charlotte was being extremely loud since she has now found her voice. She likes to yell but has no volume control. We kept apologizing to the people next to us. They were very nice and said they thought it was "funny" because it was someone else's kid. About 5 minutes later Connor started puking all over the table, floor, himself, me. I kept saying to Aaron, "GIVE ME YOUR SALAD BOWL!". He just sat there in horror. The nice people next to us had just gotten their food. I was thinking it was going to be like a Saturday Night Live skit where everyone starts puking.

We grabbed the first waiter to walk by and said, "We need all our food to go!". He looked at Connor and practically ran off. He definately didn't have kids. I cleaned up as fast as I could and grabbed Connor and got out of there. We even left his shoes under the table. I think people were watching me as we walked out thinking, "Look at that mom! She didn't even make her kid wear shoes in a restaurant!".

We made it out to the car and Connor started crying because he wants his pizza! Are you kidding me!

Aren't you glad I didn't post pics! :) haha.

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