Sunday, November 27, 2011

How the Grinch Almost Stole Christmas

I'm not sure if there is anyway to make this a short story ......

I was pretty excited about decorating for Christmas this year since it is the first year in our new house. I dragged down about 20 boxes of decorations from the attic and kept thinking "Where are the ornaments?". But then I would get busy again and figure I just hadn't gotten to those boxes yet.

Yesterday I had finally opened the last box and I started to panic. Where were all the ornaments? Then I started to cry. I knew they were not in the house. I had ornaments that were my grandparents from the 50's, ornaments I made as a kid, our first married Christmas ornaments, and then there were the ornaments from Connor and Charlotte's first Christmas'. Seriously, we had NO ornaments. Just an empty tree.

I realized there was only one place they could be and that was the attic of the rental house we had lived in for 4 months. By this time I was sobbing because our landlord had been SO AWFUL. I knew if I had left them she would have thrown everything away. I grabbed Charlotte and jumped in the car and headed over. I called my mom completely distraught and then she was crying too. We both prayed that whoever lived in the house now would at least be home.

I got to the house and went to the door. I did notice a wreath next to the door that looked slightly familiar but I didn't care about that. A lady opened the door and I started to tell her that I had lived there last Christmas and that's when I saw it. Right behind her on an entry way table was the light up ceramic Christmas tree that my grandma had made by hand over 30 years ago. I burst into tears and said, "That's my grandmas's tree!" Her response was strange. She just said, "Oh, do you want it back?" I was crying so hard at this point and trying to say "Yes! I want it". She said she had found it in the alley which seemed strange. If I had left all my Christmas stuff in the attic and the landlord had thrown it in the alley why would someone take all the ornaments but leave this beautiful 2 foot tree to be found by this lady? I was so upset I didn't really have time to think about it. I asked her if she had found any boxes of ornaments in the attic and she said she never goes up there.

I walked to the car crying carrying Charlotte and my tree. I was just so grateful to at least have one thing back. Then I decided I was going to knock on every door on that street and put out a reward for my ornaments (even though it was freezing cold and I had run out without putting a coat, socks, or shoes on my child. Poor thing.) As I got back out of my car the lady came outside to smoke. I walked up to her and told her what I was about to do and said I wanted to leave my name and number in case she heard anything. Then she said, "I just got off the phone with my husband and he said there is a bunch of stuff in the attic like a backpack and camping gear." I'm thinking, "Yes, that's mine! I used to backpack in high school! The backpack is turquoise!"

She said I could climb up there and look. I couldn't believe when I got to the top of the ladder and realized we had NEVER EMPTIED THE ATTIC AT ALL!!! My camping gear, yearbooks, some Thanksgiving decorations, high school diploma and scrapbooks were all there.......and hiding behind one huge box were all my ornaments. I started crying again! I must have made 10 trips up and down that ladder. I felt like an idiot but we were both so stressed out during our move because of the landlord threatening us that we just left as soon as our house was ready and forgot about the attic.

I feel bad that Charlotte was crying, "Mommy! Mommy!" the whole time. I had to leave her below in the garage sitting on a lawn chair with these two women she didn't know. I was up and down the ladder the whole time but I think she thought I was leaving her. I kept telling the ladies thank you and how grateful I was and gave them both hugs. I was so relieved.

I should mention at this point that there was one very large box up there that was completely empty.

When I got home and Aaron and I unloaded everything and sorted through the boxes my relief was crushed when I realized there was still one thing grandparents (mom's) manger. It was quite large. Almost 2 feet tall. I felt awful that I hadn't missed it until now. It was made out of very rough wood some with the bark still on. The figures were handpainted the most beautiful colors. They used to be glued in place but as a kid I had pulled them off so I could play with Mary and Joseph. It's hard to see but if you look in the background of the picture you can see it on our old fireplace. It really was one of my most valued possessions.

I was so disappointed. I knew the lady had to have it because I remembered it had been packed in the same box as the ceramic tree. The one that was now empty in her attic. But I also knew I couldn't just say, "Hey, I know you also have my manger." So I devised a plan. It would employ extreme kindness and the sweet demeanor of my young son. Yes, I used my kid.

After church today we went to Target and bought cookies and flowers. I told Connor we were going on a mission and explained exactly what to say. I should mention that he didn't know she had the manger. He still just thinks we were going to say thank you for finding our stuff. I didn't want to corrupt him too much.

I prayed all the way that she would be home and she was. We rang the doorbell and she seemed a little surprised to see me again. So I started the plan. I told her we just came by to say how thankful we were for returning our things and how nice it was to know that there were still honest people in the world. I gave her the cookies and a thank you card. Connor handed her the flowers and in the sweetest voice said, "Thank you for finding my Christmas train." At this point I did notice that on the table where my ceramic tree had been was now another one of my small Christmas trees (Aha! So she had been in the attic) but I didn't say anything since I had bigger things to worry about. I also invited her to our church and said we had a great Christmas Eve service if they didn't have plans to go anywhere else. I conveniently happened to have a brochure with me.

Then I casually said, "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I'm missing. It is the most beautiful manger. My grandparents left it to me. I used to play with it as a little girl. You know there was one big box in the attic that I thought it was yours but now I'm thinking maybe it was mine and it could be in there." I had to give her an out and way to save face even though I was quite sure it was probably sitting in her living room. Just then her husband walked up but I didn't want to put her on the spot since I was hoping she would give it up using the "overlooked box in the attic" excuse. I said, "I don't want to bother you anymore but when you get a chance could your husband go check that box? I really think that's where it could be." I could tell she was uncomfortable and she said that they were about to eat but she would be more than happy to call me tomorrow and let me know if they found anything. I know she feels guilty because as I was walking away she pointed to the wreath near the door and said, "I found that in the attic too." I told her I thought it looked familiar but that it looked great where she had hung it and she should keep it. And I left.

So, here I sit, wondering if she will take the easy out I created. I really feel like she will but who knows. Honestly, she did me a favor. If she had called the landlord and said a bunch of stuff had been left in the attic I know it would have been thrown away. Whether I get it back or not I am at peace with it. Maybe she just really needs a manger. I did jokingly tell my mom that if she doesn't give it back she will be the one who has to look at a stolen Mary and baby Jesus every Christmas.

I'll keep you posted!

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Weekend of Parties!!!


On Friday night we had our close friends over for Charlotte's 2nd birthday. We had a ton of fun and were glad to get together since we've missed several "Last Saturday" parties lately.

Aaron is traditionally in charge of the cake and it was AWESOME!!

I never realized how crazy my "Do not do that!" mom look is. As in "Do NOT blow out her candles!"


We had a wine tasting party/competition at our house. The rules were to bring 2 same bottles of a cabernet. One was for tasting and the other for the "pot". We scored as we tasted and tasted and tasted......haha. The winner got all the bottles in the pot and the loser has to host the next party. We all laughed because Trevino, who had just run to the store and bought whatever the guy told him to won. Chris and Leslie, who had the most expensive bottle, came in last. So next month we are tasting at their house. It was SOOOOO fun! Even better was that the kids all had a babysitter at the house next door. Woohoo!

L to R: Trevino (The Winner), Aaron, Steve & Lisa, Ram, Chris, Dosie, Leslie, Joe, Sumitha

1st thru 6th Place. I came in 4th.

And finally, you know it's a good party is one of your neighbors laughs so hard she spits wine across the countertop.


We had a joint party with our next door neighbors Trevino and Laureen. Their daughter Tauri turns 1 on Nov. 22 and Charlotte was 2 on Nov. 16.

Charlotte had just woken up from a nap so she was a bit crabby at the beginning. She had a lot of fun once she started riding her new bike.

On a follow up note, we did go back to The Dive to use the second Groupon and guess who walked in? Randy White. Pretty cool.

I Took My Kids to a Bar

Yes. I took my kids to a bar tonight. You can see the lovely velvet lamps with fringe and there were a few lava lamps sprinkled throughout.

You see I had/have two Groupons to The Dive Bar and Grill and they expire on Wednesday. I had no idea what the place was like but thought maybe I could go with a friend and have Aaron watch the kids (or better yet have a date night). But then Aaron had to go out of town. Well, I was not going to waste my money. At first I thought I'd get takeout but it said "Dine in only". I called and they assured me they were kid friendly so I went.

Well it was really dark inside but since it was 4:30 there were only a few people there to look at me like "hey, check out the crazy lady with her 2 kids in a bar!".

As it turns out the food was soooooo good! OMGoodness! I highly recommend the Diavlo Shrimp Tacos and Aged Gouda Mashed Potatoes. I even texted and got an immediate coupon for a free dessert. Thank goodness I took it home because I practically made out with the container when I licked it clean.

So, if you are in Frisco I highly recommend it. And, I HAVE to go back tomorrow because I still have that other Groupon. :)

By the way, Connor LOVED the place and ate 2 hamburgers and kept saying "I want to come here everytime we go eat. I love it!". So now he will be telling people his favorite restaurant is The Dive. Nice.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Ok. I give up on the vacation blog for now. I just can't seem to sit down and get caught up. Quite frankly, we have all been sick and Charlotte won't stop crying. Man, she is grumpy. If this is foreshadowing of how she will be as a teenager we are in trouble! We put her in a big girl bed and now she is back in the crib. It has been like Supernanny at our house the last two nights. We must have put her back in bed for hours. Plus she and Connor both have been doing their weird thing where they wake up at at 2, 4, 5 a.m. for no apparent reason. Connor has been this way since a baby. I think Charlotte has the same disease. It's only about once a month but they can't be rocked back to sleep at all. This last time Charlotte asked to go to Target! I could honestly say "they are not open right now." :)

Here is what she said the other night to try to stay out of bed:

"I'm hungry" No, Charlotte you just had two bowls of cereal.

"I have poop" No, we just changed your diaper.

"How bout, we change clothes" No

"How bout, we do hair" No

"How bout we go to store" No

But, I know God is real and that his mercies are new every morning because I just got an email saying our wine club holiday shipment went out. Hahaha.


Monday, November 14, 2011


Connor is doing AWESOME in school. This past week he won the Cool Kid award and got to go up on the stage at the Friday pep rally. He didn't know he was getting it and the look on his face was priceless.

I honestly expected him to be the class clown and getting in trouble a lot but he is so well behaved at school. He always gets his sticker each day.

The neighbors have also told me they've overheard him playing outside and telling the boys things like "you have to wear your helmet and look both ways!". Too funny. The other day they came to get him for another one of their sidewalk sales. They said Connor needed to come because he was their "entertainment". Haha. He is pretty goofy.

Love ya Connor!


I know, I know. I am supposed to be working on my big vacation post especially since Charlotte turns 2 on Wednesday and then I'll be even farther behind.

But, in the meantime, I'll tell you what she's been up to.

Last week, trying to put her down for a nap became more of a battle than it was worth. She climbed out of her crib for the second time and hit her head. So, we decided that not only did naps need to go but so did the front of the crib. We thought she'd be excited about it being made into a big girl bed but she took one look and said, "I don't want it!" and walked out of the room.

She also has started taking off all her clothes and bringing me her diaper saying, "I don't want it". Now I know this means she is ready for potty training but I am not looking forward to the amount of time and effort that will take from me! Ha! Just now she called me and said "I have poop". So I go to the living room and she is laying on her diaper with it undone with poop in it! Yuck. At least she had the sense to not move until I got there. Good grief!

She is SO stubborn!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I am working on my big vacation post but had to report that I realize now that I felt the Oklahoma earthquake last night. I was sitting on my bed and Annie was chewing on her feet as usual when the bed shook for about a minute. She had started scratching at that point and I thought she was just scratching harder than normal and thought it was a little strange but that's about it.

But now that I just read the internet article about the quake I realize it was that.
