Friday, November 18, 2011


Ok. I give up on the vacation blog for now. I just can't seem to sit down and get caught up. Quite frankly, we have all been sick and Charlotte won't stop crying. Man, she is grumpy. If this is foreshadowing of how she will be as a teenager we are in trouble! We put her in a big girl bed and now she is back in the crib. It has been like Supernanny at our house the last two nights. We must have put her back in bed for hours. Plus she and Connor both have been doing their weird thing where they wake up at at 2, 4, 5 a.m. for no apparent reason. Connor has been this way since a baby. I think Charlotte has the same disease. It's only about once a month but they can't be rocked back to sleep at all. This last time Charlotte asked to go to Target! I could honestly say "they are not open right now." :)

Here is what she said the other night to try to stay out of bed:

"I'm hungry" No, Charlotte you just had two bowls of cereal.

"I have poop" No, we just changed your diaper.

"How bout, we change clothes" No

"How bout, we do hair" No

"How bout we go to store" No

But, I know God is real and that his mercies are new every morning because I just got an email saying our wine club holiday shipment went out. Hahaha.


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