Wednesday, January 13, 2016


So It all started with getting the class list........Charlotte has Mrs. Fox.  I don't know anything about her so I'm just going with God put her there for a reason,

But first, what it took to find the "1st day of school ever" outfit:

1st trip to Justice!

Happy Mommy & Daddy.  I really am happy because I know she is so ready and will do great.  I have no worries about Pink since Connor has paved the way.  I thought I might cry but everything was so crazy there was no time!
Mrs. Fox
Wow!  I can hardly believe Charlotte is starting school. I know she's completely ready but it is just crazy to think that more than 5 years has gone by. Also means I'm old. Haha. 

Connor started 4th grade. He didn't seem too nervous and told us we didn't have to walk him to his room (as in "please do t embarrass me"). The two weeks before school started all we heard was how much he hates school. School is like jail because they make you go to a room and you can't leave, then on the playground there is chain-link and, then you go back to the classroom. That's it. He also talks over and over about how he's going to invent a machine that shrinks school so it is so small no one can find it. Then he won't have to go. This is the crazy talk I listened to most of August.

Charlotte, on the other hand, didn't seem very nervous. She slept great the night before. Unlike her brother on his first day of kindergarten (he was up all night).

So the first morning we walked in and Conner got a little nervous and asked us to walk him to his class. I had already decided I was going to embarrass him anyway. Then it was Charlotte's turn. We walked down to kindergarten and everything seemed fine. We went into the classroom and she seems to get a little scared but sat down in the chair. When I went to take a picture of her she leaned over in my ear and whispered "mommy my bottom itches". That was the last thing I expected on the first day of school. She started to get emotional and said that it was really bothering her and she had to go home. I told her teacher we had a "situation" and that I was going to take her to the bathroom. We went in and checked everything out and didn't see any problems but she was still upset. So the only thing we can do was go to the nurses office. This was two minutes before the bell rang and she wasn't even in class. We went to the nurses office and told her about her issue and she said very normally "oh we have itchy bottom all the time" and proceeded to open a basket in the bathroom full of vaseline and Desitin! Ha ha!.

We finally made it back to class (after the bell had already rung) and of course when she walked in all the kids looked up and stared at her.  Not that she noticed.....that was me reliving my days as the new kid in 3rd grade. I sat her down at her desk and all of a sudden she bursts into tears!  I didn't know what to do but I took my own advice of what I tell parents at church (Don't worry!  They always stop crying 30 seconds after you leave!).  I gave her a kiss and said "you'll do great!" and left.  I peaked through the door crack oh the way out and Mrs. Fox was kneeling by her desk giving her a hug.  Oh my goodness that was hard to watch!  Now I know how all the moms at church feel!

They both came home and told us they had a great day.  Connor has 3 teachers: Charlton, Rivas, and Oltmann.  I really like them all.  They are all very down to earth and Mr. Oltmann is especially hilarious.  4th grade does seem to be a whole new ball game.  Since I'm writing this part in January I can say it's much more "preparing for middle school".  His close friends are Zac, Thomas, Vladamir, Drew, and Alex.

As for Charlotte's social life it has been quite interesting.  The first day she hooked up with a girl we'll call Sally.  They played for the first month but during that time she also became obsessed with this boy Walker (and his sidekick Rider--Hilarious). She was asking me how to spell "Walker" and writing it all over her desk.  This went on and on which of course was freaking me out just a bit.  She hadn't even turned 6 yet!  One day she came home and said "Mom, I don't think Sally is the friend for me."  When I asked why she said that Sally gets mad if she doesn't do what she tells her.  Also Walker and Rider have been harassing the girls at recess and telling Charlotte she can only play with Sally if she does exactly what they tell her.  Hold the phone!!!  Not COOL!.  She and Sally had also had a few play dates together which (in Charlotte's opinion) had not gone so well.  So there was trouble in paradise.  I was a bit bothered because it was 2 months in and Charlotte had yet to play with any other girls because "Sally wouldn't let her."  Now I'm not saying Charlotte is an angel.  I think she had met her match is what happened.  She has always been the stronger personality in most of her friendships so this was new territory.  So, in kindergarten I've already had to teach the lesson of "You can play with anyone you want and if the person doesn't like it then they are not a true friend" and "You don't have to do what a boy says to do!".  Connor is in 4th grade and I have never had any of these issues!  Crazy.  The girls had a few more play dates but to no avail.  Sally locked Charlotte in a closet but says it was because Charlotte pushed her.  Who knows what the truth is.  But on the bright side Charlotte has started branching out a bit and met some new friends--Mia and Leah mainly.


Hiiiii-Yaaaaa! Kicking Taekwondo Butt in Nashville

Connor qualified for the Tiger Rock World Championships in Nashville so we decided to make it our summer vacation.  We had a lot of fun and stopped on the way and did touristy things.  We stayed at the Gaylord Opryland hotel which was awesome!

Connor won a bronze medal in board breaking!

Of course Daddy found a place to eat listed on the Food Network awesome BBQ list


Of course pink poodle wallpaper.  Duh!
I actually remember having a tv just like that ones in my parents room.  It also had the metal rolling stand.  Nice.

Tour Guide said Priscilla and Lisa Marie still eat Christmas dinner here.

The walls and ceiling are all gathered fabric
The famed Jungle Room 

Apparently Elvis was a giant.  :)

Inside the GaylordOpryland

Dad with kids.....
Mom with drink.....All is right in the world.

And Really how could you leave the state without going to the Dukes of Hazzard Museum.

Roscoooooo PPPPP Col-Train!

Carrot (Coleman + Merritt) Road Trip!

Again, Erin had the idea of a road trip.  Not that we haven't done trips before but I'm starting to notice that if she didn't prompt me I might not leave the house!

So girls (and of course kids) trip!

We loaded up the mini van (mine of course because we have already agreed that I am a control freak and her driving scares me) and headed to ABQ.  505 Baby!

Really this story is best told in pictures so here we go!

Stopped at The Big Texan.  This guy attempted to eat it all but failed.

On the Roadrunner on the way to Santa Fe
Ahh, Home Sweet Home.
In alot of ways she's more like Gramma!  (Especially regarding fashion!)

Visit to Bandalier National Monument (cliff dwellings)

                                                                   This is what heaven looks like for Kim :)

Erin, Alex, & Rylie climbed all the way to the top!
Visit to the Indian Cultural Center in ABQ

Got dropped off at top of Sandia and walked over to tram to get down.

Snuggling at home after a long day of hiking

Visit to Tent Rock City

It was super hot while hiking at Tent Rock.  I came back to the car with the kids while Erin and Alex made it all the way to the top!

More cuddling!!

And, finally, on our way home we stopped at Cadillac Ranch of course!