Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kids Say the Darndest Things (Episode 35)

Some of the funny things the kids said in 2015


  • Doing homework one night:  "Somehow the letter "D" is missing from the alphabet".  She was serious.
  • I told her she was funny because she said something cute.  Her response:  "Do NOT call me funny!  That's not my style.  Call me kind or best friend".
  • "My birthday is a huge disaster!  All the holidays are in November!"
  • "I'm trying to work on my evil laugh".
  • In February she informed me "I don't want to wear bows anymore".
  • Char:  "I want to go to work with Daddy".  
    • Connor laughs, "Daddy doesn't have an office!"
    • "Then I'll take him to Nebraska.  I always wanted to go to a different country."
    • Connor laughs again, "Ha! Is it in Canada?".
    • The funny thing is that this whole conversation apparently made sense to both of them.
  • "I love you more than Japan and the other place where the war is".  Afghanistan? Iraq?
  • "Oh Craigslist! Momma Mia!" (I have no idea what this was about)
  • When Jon was visiting and taking a nap on our couch she said, "Don't worry.  Papa's just trashed out".  Hahahahahahahaha!
  • Again this was soooo funny but makes no sense (I'm sensing a theme with her)
    • Char:  Knock, knock
    • Me:  Who's there?
    • Char:  Chick bar at a restaurant
    • Me:  Chick bar at a restaurant who?
    • Char:  What if they dooooooooo (spooky voice)?  What if they dooooooooooon't? What is they ghooooooost?
  • Cooking with Daddy
    • AC:  I think it just needs a pinch of salt.
    • Char:  Yes, just a piss of it.
  • "My dog speaks English"
  • Annie peed in front of the shoe closet and Char told Aaron it was because he didn't greet her.
  • What Charlotte learned in the first month of public school:
    • "What does this mean?" and she gave me the finger.
  • I was trying to explain the whole "real men wear pink" thing and she said "Well MY dada wears Purple!"
  • "McDonalds is healthier than Whataburger"
  • "I REALLY hope I get a Walmart gift card.  It is soooo much better than Target!"
  • Teaching Char to do the dishes:  "I need gloves to do this"
And Now for Connor!
  • On the way back from Lubbock Connor learned how to blow bubbles with his gum.  Aaron thought someone was throwing rocks at the car. :O)
  • "Does McDonald's have good customer service?
  • While Gramma and Grampa were babysitting:  "They let me have a vanilla milkshake with whip cream.  In MEDIUM!"
And last, but oh definitely not least, Aaron
  • He called me at work one day and said that someone had broken into our house.  When I asked why he said because the front bathroom toilet was clean.  So let me get this straight.  Someone broke into our house and cleaned the toilet?  Sweet!  Unfortunately that was just me. 

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