Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Charlotte Turns 5! And More.........

Talk about the most random post ever.  So I uploaded these pics back in early 2015 and it is now early 2016 and I'm finishing it.  Good Grief!  I'm telling you 2015 was just a challenging year.  But that's another blog.

Connor started Tiger Rock Taekwondo in August 2014.  He really loved it and we had alot of fun going to the testing.  This is him trying for his green belt.

And Charlotte turned 5!  We had a Princesses and Pumpkins party.  This was her favorite dress for quite awhile and she did really try to wear it everywhere.

And then Gramma and Grampa came for a bit before we all headed to Abilene for Thanksgiving.

Uncle Kevin and Aunt Rebekah's house is just the best.  Kids can run around (half the time I don't know where you are!).  And here is Uncle Kevin's redneck golf cart. 

And of course it wouldnt be a get together without the girls doing mommy and gramma's "makeup".  

It wouldn't be a family gathering without the twins injuring each other. :)

And, Aunt Rebekah took some beautiful photos of us.

Back to the house and Daddy making the first fire of the year!

And gramma can't stay out of the pinata!

Annie....because it's always a good time to insert an unrelated pic of my sweet girl.

And of course perspective is always appropriate......My day could be worse.

Now this is gross and interesting.  Daddy is on a rat/mouse killing spree.  I think he is really enjoying himself.  We found this guy under the grill and he is completely mummified!  Zoom in for a close up and you can see his teeth and whiskers.  Still has fur but no insides.  This is grossly intriguing to me.  

And here's a little guy.  He looked so cute :(,

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