Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Papa---April 4, 1941-May 3, 2015

I don't even know where to start.  Papa wasn't feeling very good right before we left for Disney World.  By the time we got back he had several dr. appts scheduled which is no easy task during the holidays.  Around the new year he was diagnosed with cancer.  Papa said "I'm going to fight it" and Daddy got serious right away.  I have never seen this side of him.  He called every dr possible, wouldn't take no for an answer, and was a pain in everyone's butt until they answered him.  I was so impressed.  It made me feel like if anything was ever wrong with me or one of the kids he would heal us just by sheer will.  He spent the next several months going back and forth on the weekends to Lubbock, setting up home health and eventually hospice, berating Nana for not checking her blood sugar :), and trying to do his regular job too.  Papa fought as long as he could but passed away with everyone around him on May 3.

This is the house in Memphis TX where Papa grew up.
Kids sitting on the front porch probably like Papa and Roy Don did.
Nana came and lived with us until the end of June which was really nice for Connor and Charlotte. Charlotte even learned to crochet and knit!

We took Nana to Nebraska Furniture Mart and we accidentally stole someone's wheelchair.  We thought it was just one you could borrow from the store until a manager came up and asked where we got it.  Whoops!

Daddy and Nana went to Grief Share meetings together and really enjoyed it and found it helpful. 

We miss Papa but know he is healthy now and we will see him again soon! 

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