Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hiiiii-Yaaaaa! Kicking Taekwondo Butt in Nashville

Connor qualified for the Tiger Rock World Championships in Nashville so we decided to make it our summer vacation.  We had a lot of fun and stopped on the way and did touristy things.  We stayed at the Gaylord Opryland hotel which was awesome!

Connor won a bronze medal in board breaking!

Of course Daddy found a place to eat listed on the Food Network awesome BBQ list


Of course pink poodle wallpaper.  Duh!
I actually remember having a tv just like that ones in my parents room.  It also had the metal rolling stand.  Nice.

Tour Guide said Priscilla and Lisa Marie still eat Christmas dinner here.

The walls and ceiling are all gathered fabric
The famed Jungle Room 

Apparently Elvis was a giant.  :)

Inside the GaylordOpryland

Dad with kids.....
Mom with drink.....All is right in the world.

And Really how could you leave the state without going to the Dukes of Hazzard Museum.

Roscoooooo PPPPP Col-Train!

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