Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kim and Erin's Marathon--Proof that Miracles Still Happen

Well, I can't believe we did it.  I'm not really sure how it all started.  I do know it was Erin's idea.  Why I actually agreed I don't know.  It was on my bucket list so I guess that was it.  It was good that we had no idea what we were in for.

We started training in January 2014.  We got up to about 6 miles and then Erin went away for a month in the summer.  When she came back we had both lost ground and started back at 2 miles.  But we kept on going and trained all fall and winter.  I remember when we were able to run 9 miles for the first time.  It was running from my house to McKinney all the way down Eldorado.  It actually seemed easy.  That was the first time I thought "maybe we can do this".  I think at that point we felt we had come too far to turn back so we kept on training.  We ran in cold, rain, ice, snow, and wind.  I don't know if that was worse or the heat of the summer when we would have to start by 6 a.m. or it would get too hot.

Our farthest run was 23 miles down at White Rock Lake.  That was the day we both crashed.  Erin at around 13 hit a wall with her sciata but kept going.  I was nauseus at 20.  Somehow we made it.  That was in January I believe and the race was Feb. 15.

Race day came and the weather in Austin was projected to be warmer than we preferred (up to 60, we liked 40).

 I started way back in the pack because who are we kidding.  The first 6 miles or so we slightly uphill but we both felt good and it went by fast.  6 miles by that point had really become a warm up for us.  After that we settled in and were distracted by all the interesting people and running in a place we'd never been.


At the split we couldn't believe we were going to the left with the marathoners.  The crowd thinned out tremendously.  It was as if we had taken a wrong turn and wondered where everyone went.  From here on we were going through neighborhoods which is nice with lots to look at and people cheering on their front lawns.


By 20 we hit the wall.  The kids met us there so we did stop and walk with them for about 5 min.  Then we were off again.  At this point it doesn't matter how much you hurt you're gonna finish.

The last mile-ish was uphill.  Are you kidding me!?  We were so mad.  It was like an insult.  We trucked it up the hill slowly (past the lady trying to hand out cookies--No one wants a cookie at 24) and could then see the finish line.  I really couldn't believe it.  Nor could I believe there were still people cheering at the finish line.  I started crying which led to hyperventilating.  I actually felt like I couldn't breathe.  It was quite scary actually but I forced myself to calm down.  Can you imagine if I has passed out!

We finished in 5:55.  Way past our goal but on a first marathon who cares!  We did it.


Looking back we endured because we had no idea what we were getting into.  We sometimes admit to each other that we have had thoughts of doing another.  I really would but it's the training that is so time consuming.  Both of our families gave up a lot of time with us especially towards the end on Saturdays when we had to do our long runs.  I remember the kids wanting me to "just be done with it Mommy".

So, who knows?  Maybe a half.  We'll see.


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