Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Instead of staying home and being boring like usual we decided to go on a train ride for Memorial Day. I got the kids dressed up in their patriotic wear and we rode an old train from Grapevine to Ft. Worth and back with a 2 hour stop over at the Stockyards. Honestly, 2 hours wasn't enough time to do much besides grab lunch but we did get to see the daily longhorn cattle drive right before we had to get back on the train. It was really hot (like pants sticking to your legs, don't want to hold your kids hand because he's sweaty hot) but the train car we sat in was open so we had a nice breeze most of the time. Connor loved it and we made it home in just enough time for baths and bed--Perfect!

Connor when he found out he was going on a train ride.

Charlotte and the conductor had a thing going.

I've never been into blonds except this cute one! (oh yeah, bro Kevin, you're cute too--:)

We also went to the Dallas World Aquarium a few days before. It was ok if you like paying $60 to follow thousands of people in line at a snails pace past the exhibit (aka don't go on a holiday). But Connor loved it and I thought this pic was great.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Brotherly Love

This morning Connor was playing with some airplanes and I heard him say, "We'll always find each other wherever we go because we're brother & sister." He is very protective of Charlotte. I think the boys better stay away when she gets to high school!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Plant Project

I am so excited about this--which tells you how much excitement I have in my life. We have several completely shady spots in our yard that I have always struggled with the grass. I've tried starting from seed and had some luck but that is a ton of work because of the amount of watering needed to germinate. Plus keeping away the birds is an issue. Then I decided to try to plant shade tolerant flowers but the area is so large it is cost prohibitive. SO, I bought some $1 packets of perrenials and am starting them in the kitchen (mom's idea) and then I can move them around to different levels of shadiness and see how they do while still in the pots.

Even better, I have 4 bags of grass seed in the garage and I suddenly thought "Hey! Why don't I grow my own pallets of sod and then transfer once they get going". I can keep them right near the back door so they're easy to keep watered and the birds won't get them. Plus, I can move them around and see how they do in different amounts of light too. I put the soil in pallets from cases of soda. Yes, I realize this is going to be tedious but I think the chances of them actually taking are much higher. Man, I can't wait to start my science project. I know I'm such a nerd. Haha.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost--I can hardly say the word without irritation welling up inside!!!

Ok. If you never watched Lost just skip this post. It will make no sense whatsoever. Or if you have not seen the finale you definately do not want to read this post.

I am so irritated with the Lost finale right now I don't even want to talk about it. I thought it sucked (sorry for the language). But I AM talking about it!!!! See my frustration?? My thoughts were a little more cohesive after reading the comments on the link below but I still generally feel like I've been hit on the head and am not sure what's going on. I think I am more of the camp that would rather have seen all the mysterious explained (how did the electro magneticism work, just tell me straight up which world was real, etc.) rather than be content with the "it was all about the love and the relationships and how they helped other people" camp.

What was Sawyer's big secret that he told Kate before he jumped out of the helicopter? I can't believe they didn't answer this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (update: My friend says Kate was giving money to Sawyers girlfriend he tried to con. But still, why, did he have a baby?)

If reality was the island and the sideways world (the one where Sawyer is a cop--I didn't get this until I read the blog comments) was like a purgatory (?) why would Sun/Jin & Jack choose have children in a purgatory world but they didn't really exist? See, I can't even form a question that makes sense!

I can't stand that some characters played such a big role but then the writers didn't do anything with them--Widmore (REALLY, he gets shot in a closet and that's it??), Elenor....

But then again maybe it was genious because we are all still talking about it and trying to figure it out. Maybe it was never supposed to be figured out?? Maybe the mystery of Lost is that it is the mystery of life....See, now I'm talking crazy. I give up. Ugh! (the article is good but the comments at the bottom are what I'm talking about.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

First of Two Pre-School Graduations

Even though Connor is not going to kindergarten next year we had him participate in the graduation at school. There are actually quite a few kids coming back to Bible Bears. He doesn't seem to care that some friends are going to kindergarten and some are coming back to the Bible Bears "big room". He has also worked very hard on his songs and we wanted to hear what he would say when they ask what he wants to be when he grows up.

The kids are singing the "Fruit of the Spirit" song:

And, now, for the big moment! (If you can't hear the video he says, "My name is Connor and when I will grow up I'm gonna be a race car driver".) My other personal favorites were--a helper for bunnies, snake wrangler, monster (from a girl), baby doctor (from a boy who had just had a baby sister), hair cutter, and from his best friend Zander a "puncher" until the teacher whispered in his ear and then he said "oh, yeah, boxer".

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ugliest Birthday Cake Ever

Aaron's birthday was May 10 and we had a nice party at home with the kids (after a delicious, fancy steak dinner for the two grownups!).

I had decided I was going to make the cake myself since my friend had just made the best tasting cake for her son's party. I got the recipe and it was easy except when it came to decorating. I wasn't going for anything fancy but couldn't come up with any ideas. Another friend of mine suggested a tie dyed cake. I thought that sounded cool but the technique I had decided on didn't really work. Plus the colors came out a little too pastel. Then I made it even more obnoxious looking with sprinkles and mismatched candles.

Despite this I decided to use up 4 tubes of colored gel to write "Happy Birthday". Unfortunately, the colors kept running out before I could even finish one whole word. I completely ran out before I could finish the word "birthday"! So the end result was an ugly cake that said "Happy B-da". Oh well.
In other news, Connor got his cast off even though you can clearly see that it is not healed all the way! Knowing how active he is I asked if another cast could be put on if I requested. The doctor said, "He'll be fine. Just make sure he doesn't run, jump, or wrestle for 4 more weeks." Are you kidding me???!!!! Six hours later when I picked him up from school he chased some kid out of the building and immediately crashed and burned! I don't think the doctor has any kids.
Yeah! A bath with no bag on Connor's arm!

And, finally, some randon pics and videos:
Us at dinner. In the video we were playing around and all the bouncing made Connor burp. He was cracking up!

Charlotte playing in her crib.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Great End to a Great Spring Soccer Season

Connor had his last game of soccer last weekend. The doctor and I were both overruled by Aaron and Coach Allen and Connor got to play in the last game. We wrapped his arm in a t-shirt and duct tape and of course everything was fine (silly, paranoid mom).

At the end of the game they all got soccer trophies and then to our surprise the coach gave Connor the game ball. When he broke his arm he was the one who told me, "But, mom, I'm still on the team and I can go to the games and cheer." He did cheer at all the games and went to every practice. We are very proud of him.

The ball says "Connor, Thanks for staying with the team this year. Allen".

Our Adventure

So, the other day we were bored. I had one errand to run but it was over 15 miles away so I really didn't want to go that far for one thing. Then I thought "you know what, let's be crazy and take the REALLY long way and just have an adventure". I know, I like to live on the edge. Connor loves an adventure especially once I told him there would be a bridge involved.

So we started in The Colony and headed up to Little Elm where there is a new toll bridge that crosses over Lake Lewisville. Since I was feeling crazy I thought "We're just going to pay that $1 toll for no reason!!". It was actually really cool. The bridge was quite long, for this area at least, and reminded me of some of the big bridges we used to go over in Charleston. Anyway, we came upon a Sonic and once again I decided to throw caution to the wind and thought "Heck it's 2:00 (Sonic 1/2 price drink time). Let's stop and get slushies!" Connor was hungry so I had a coupon (of course I had a coupon!) for a buy one get one ex-long coney. I knew this would amaze Connor. His eyes about popped out of his head but he ate the whole thing (and ate the other one for dinner just a few hours later!).

We proceeded towards our intended destination of Highland Village but since we still had to go around the lake a bit we got to go through the "country". The road we needed was closed so we went even more out of our way on what turned out to be the most beautiful country road! I felt like we were actually in the forest! The trees were so thick on each side of the road and they met overhead and formed a tunnel. This went on for quite a while. I explained to Connor that this was the country and that we just had to get out of the city once in a while. We saw donkeys, beautiful horse farms with white fences for miles, cows, streams, and old bridges. Best detour I've been on.

We stopped at a park on Lake Lewisville on the way home and Connor rode his bike and Charlotte rode in the stroller. Finally, we had to head home. I probably spent $25 in gas but we had the best time.

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day we dedicated the kids at church. Basically, this means we stand up in front of the church and agree to raise them in a Christian home. Charlotte worn the christening dress that has been worn on my mom's side of the family since 1943. Here's who's worn it: Aunt Sharon (my mom's sister) 1943, my mom 1945, cousin Owen 1970?, me 1974, Kevin 1977, niece Natalie 2002, niece Lily 2005, Connor 2005, niece Everly 2008, Charlotte 2010.

After church we went to lunch at Cantina Laredo (one of my favorites). The pictures below are an evolution of trying to get a nice pic of the boys. I told them the first one looks like a mug shot, so of course then Connor goes overboard in the next one, then when I give then the lecture "just look nice and smile" in the annoyed mom voice I finally got a good one.

Daddy's Girl

I love these two pics of Aaron and Charlotte.

Aaron gave her a bath the other night and when they were done he had decided to do her hair in a mohawk.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mom's Time Out

I just got out of time out. I was on the phone and said "stupid" and Connor was right there. He said "Mom! That was a bad word!". So, he said I had to go to time out in my bathroom. Here's how it went:

"You have to go to the bathroom for 99 minutes. If you throw a fit you get longer. You cannot play with anything (at this point he came and took my phone away and closed the bathroom cabinets). Now, I will be back."

When he came back he sat down on the floor next to me and proceeded with the following:

"I KNOW it's hard but you can't say bad words. I KNOW it's hard. You will learn. But it's over now and we forget about it. You can go now. (Gives me a hug). Here's your phone."

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Like Velvet

For as long as I can remember my mom (when holding a baby) has always said, "Oh, her skin is just like velvet!". Yes, yes, we get it, they're soft. So, Charlotte just started crying and I thought "Wow! I think it's morning. She must have slept through the night!". Then I realized it was only 2:30. So, I did what any good mom who never wants her child to sleep through the night would do--I fed her.

Whenever I feed her she always moves her hand around in circles like she's strumming a guitar. Her little hand moved and brushed against mine and I instantly thought "Oh, it's so soft just what?????............2:30 a.m. half asleep brain working.........just like velvet!

Now, I REALLY get it! Thanks Mom.

Happy Mother's Day--I love you!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Super Visit with Super Grandma & Grandpa!

Last weekend Super Grandma & Grandpa (what we say instead of Great Grandparents) came all the way from Sun Lakes (Phoenix) to visit us and meet Charlotte for the first time. Charlotte loved staring at them and Connor was jumping up and down he was so excited. He couldn't wait to show them his room and all his toys.

We stayed around the house, watched Connor ride his bike and play soccer, and enjoyed dinner together. Grandpa also made us a cool game called Ping (see below). Connor loves it. Grandma stacked the deck in his favor and Grandpa made some very silly moves so Connor "won" the game!

The next day we went to Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, had lunch, and then took a walk while Connor rode his bike. My Grandparents are in such good shape! Grandpa took over pushing the stroller the whole time and Grandma was ahead of us helping push Connor up a hill! And, let me tell you, it was a very warm day.

Charlotte was so worn out from the park she took a LONG nap as soon as we got home.

Grandpa and Grandma also surprised us with a written history of their lives from 1936 when they met until the present. I am so grateful (being the next-in-line unofficial family historian) for all the hard work this took to write. All grandchildren should be so lucky to have their family histories recorded!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Energetic Puppy vs. Grumpy Old Dog

Just when Annie was completely happy getting to be the only dog the following words came out of my mouth, "You cannot take that sweet puppy to a kennel! She is coming to my house!". Jeff and Carolin have a new beagle named Ginger. She is beautiful. The problem is she is also ALL PUPPY. Which is fine except Annie is ALL GRUMPY OLD DOG (a possible result of bad parenting).

Poor Ginger just wants to play, which Connor loves, but all she does is follow Annie around barking and getting in the "play" stance. Annie is not amused and growls and snaps which of course Ginger interprets as "YES! I do want to play!". The sounds coming from Annie sound like a cross between a cat in heat and demon possession. I feel like the ultimate dog sitting failure but for Ginger's own safety she is going to have to go to the kennel (although I did think, "Could I take my own dog to the kennel?").

Anyway, I feel a little better since she is going to the Canine Courtyard which sounds pretty posh. I explained to Connor that a kennel was like a dog hotel. This morning he said, "Well, mom, I guess Ginger's going to have to go to the dog re-quarium." That should be interesting.

Update: Well, just got back from dropping her off. The lady seems very nice and said, "Oh, she can join right in with the puppy play group we have going!". A teenager that was working there said, "Oh, this one's my new favorite!".

I think she'll be fine.

I posted a few pictures of "always in motion" Ginger.

And, finally: "Hey, mom, what's for breakfast? Ohhhh, I love dog tongue!" (I know what you're thinking--I took the picture instead of saving my child. In Ginger's defense, Charlotte was holding her mouth open.)