Thursday, May 6, 2010

Energetic Puppy vs. Grumpy Old Dog

Just when Annie was completely happy getting to be the only dog the following words came out of my mouth, "You cannot take that sweet puppy to a kennel! She is coming to my house!". Jeff and Carolin have a new beagle named Ginger. She is beautiful. The problem is she is also ALL PUPPY. Which is fine except Annie is ALL GRUMPY OLD DOG (a possible result of bad parenting).

Poor Ginger just wants to play, which Connor loves, but all she does is follow Annie around barking and getting in the "play" stance. Annie is not amused and growls and snaps which of course Ginger interprets as "YES! I do want to play!". The sounds coming from Annie sound like a cross between a cat in heat and demon possession. I feel like the ultimate dog sitting failure but for Ginger's own safety she is going to have to go to the kennel (although I did think, "Could I take my own dog to the kennel?").

Anyway, I feel a little better since she is going to the Canine Courtyard which sounds pretty posh. I explained to Connor that a kennel was like a dog hotel. This morning he said, "Well, mom, I guess Ginger's going to have to go to the dog re-quarium." That should be interesting.

Update: Well, just got back from dropping her off. The lady seems very nice and said, "Oh, she can join right in with the puppy play group we have going!". A teenager that was working there said, "Oh, this one's my new favorite!".

I think she'll be fine.

I posted a few pictures of "always in motion" Ginger.

And, finally: "Hey, mom, what's for breakfast? Ohhhh, I love dog tongue!" (I know what you're thinking--I took the picture instead of saving my child. In Ginger's defense, Charlotte was holding her mouth open.)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! We love puppies even if they are ALL puppy! Have fun.
