Friday, May 21, 2010

Ugliest Birthday Cake Ever

Aaron's birthday was May 10 and we had a nice party at home with the kids (after a delicious, fancy steak dinner for the two grownups!).

I had decided I was going to make the cake myself since my friend had just made the best tasting cake for her son's party. I got the recipe and it was easy except when it came to decorating. I wasn't going for anything fancy but couldn't come up with any ideas. Another friend of mine suggested a tie dyed cake. I thought that sounded cool but the technique I had decided on didn't really work. Plus the colors came out a little too pastel. Then I made it even more obnoxious looking with sprinkles and mismatched candles.

Despite this I decided to use up 4 tubes of colored gel to write "Happy Birthday". Unfortunately, the colors kept running out before I could even finish one whole word. I completely ran out before I could finish the word "birthday"! So the end result was an ugly cake that said "Happy B-da". Oh well.
In other news, Connor got his cast off even though you can clearly see that it is not healed all the way! Knowing how active he is I asked if another cast could be put on if I requested. The doctor said, "He'll be fine. Just make sure he doesn't run, jump, or wrestle for 4 more weeks." Are you kidding me???!!!! Six hours later when I picked him up from school he chased some kid out of the building and immediately crashed and burned! I don't think the doctor has any kids.
Yeah! A bath with no bag on Connor's arm!

And, finally, some randon pics and videos:
Us at dinner. In the video we were playing around and all the bouncing made Connor burp. He was cracking up!

Charlotte playing in her crib.

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