Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost--I can hardly say the word without irritation welling up inside!!!

Ok. If you never watched Lost just skip this post. It will make no sense whatsoever. Or if you have not seen the finale you definately do not want to read this post.

I am so irritated with the Lost finale right now I don't even want to talk about it. I thought it sucked (sorry for the language). But I AM talking about it!!!! See my frustration?? My thoughts were a little more cohesive after reading the comments on the link below but I still generally feel like I've been hit on the head and am not sure what's going on. I think I am more of the camp that would rather have seen all the mysterious explained (how did the electro magneticism work, just tell me straight up which world was real, etc.) rather than be content with the "it was all about the love and the relationships and how they helped other people" camp.

What was Sawyer's big secret that he told Kate before he jumped out of the helicopter? I can't believe they didn't answer this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (update: My friend says Kate was giving money to Sawyers girlfriend he tried to con. But still, why, did he have a baby?)

If reality was the island and the sideways world (the one where Sawyer is a cop--I didn't get this until I read the blog comments) was like a purgatory (?) why would Sun/Jin & Jack choose have children in a purgatory world but they didn't really exist? See, I can't even form a question that makes sense!

I can't stand that some characters played such a big role but then the writers didn't do anything with them--Widmore (REALLY, he gets shot in a closet and that's it??), Elenor....

But then again maybe it was genious because we are all still talking about it and trying to figure it out. Maybe it was never supposed to be figured out?? Maybe the mystery of Lost is that it is the mystery of life....See, now I'm talking crazy. I give up. Ugh! (the article is good but the comments at the bottom are what I'm talking about.

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