Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Super Visit with Super Grandma & Grandpa!

Last weekend Super Grandma & Grandpa (what we say instead of Great Grandparents) came all the way from Sun Lakes (Phoenix) to visit us and meet Charlotte for the first time. Charlotte loved staring at them and Connor was jumping up and down he was so excited. He couldn't wait to show them his room and all his toys.

We stayed around the house, watched Connor ride his bike and play soccer, and enjoyed dinner together. Grandpa also made us a cool game called Ping (see below). Connor loves it. Grandma stacked the deck in his favor and Grandpa made some very silly moves so Connor "won" the game!

The next day we went to Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, had lunch, and then took a walk while Connor rode his bike. My Grandparents are in such good shape! Grandpa took over pushing the stroller the whole time and Grandma was ahead of us helping push Connor up a hill! And, let me tell you, it was a very warm day.

Charlotte was so worn out from the park she took a LONG nap as soon as we got home.

Grandpa and Grandma also surprised us with a written history of their lives from 1936 when they met until the present. I am so grateful (being the next-in-line unofficial family historian) for all the hard work this took to write. All grandchildren should be so lucky to have their family histories recorded!

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