Saturday, May 22, 2010

First of Two Pre-School Graduations

Even though Connor is not going to kindergarten next year we had him participate in the graduation at school. There are actually quite a few kids coming back to Bible Bears. He doesn't seem to care that some friends are going to kindergarten and some are coming back to the Bible Bears "big room". He has also worked very hard on his songs and we wanted to hear what he would say when they ask what he wants to be when he grows up.

The kids are singing the "Fruit of the Spirit" song:

And, now, for the big moment! (If you can't hear the video he says, "My name is Connor and when I will grow up I'm gonna be a race car driver".) My other personal favorites were--a helper for bunnies, snake wrangler, monster (from a girl), baby doctor (from a boy who had just had a baby sister), hair cutter, and from his best friend Zander a "puncher" until the teacher whispered in his ear and then he said "oh, yeah, boxer".

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